Walking Alongside Those Who Are Hurting

Walking alongside those who are hurting or those who are in need of comforting was a huge part of the ministry of Jesus. Consequently, as His followers, we have a responsibility to recognize and walk alongside those who are hurting as well.

[pullquote]If we remain prayerful and ask the Lord to point out people and opportunities when we can minister to those around us, those in need of a kind voice will appear right in front of us so big that we’ll wonder how we missed seeing them before. [/pullquote]

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The pain of going through any type of hardship is multiplied when attempting to go through it alone. There is no reason why anyone should have to feel ashamed and alone when they are experiencing difficulties. We can choose to be self-conscious or God-conscious. A part of becoming God-conscious is living life with a thirst to be a blessing to others.

In a world where we have deadlines to meet, duties to fulfill, children to care for, and sometimes even parents to attend to, being mindful of walking alongside someone who is hurting can slip off our radar screen. If we remain prayerful and ask the Lord to point out people and opportunities when we can minister to those around us, those in need of a kind voice will appear right in front of us so big that we’ll wonder how we missed seeing them before. And in the process, we will discover that when we take our eyes off our own needs and focus on being a blessing to others, one day we’ll will look up and the monstrous problems we were facing will have vanished as we focus on being a blessing to others.

Don’t get the idea that walking alongside someone always entails becoming entangled in a long grieving process, a divorce, or some sort of emotional difficulty the person may be going through. These things may be the case, but more often than not those around you would do well just to receive an encouraging word or a listening ear over coffee as they vent for 15 minutes in a non-judgmental environment.

You can be a blessing to a couple having difficulties in their marriage simply by offering to care for their children for a few hours while they go out and talk through their marital issues. Simply acknowledging that someone is hurting and offering to be there if they need anything goes a long way in the heart and mind of someone who is spiritually, mentally, and physically drained from facing the pressures of life.

The point of this post is to serve as a reminder to all of us to keep our heads up and our eyes open for weary travelers as they struggle through life’s challenges. To walk alongside them and be the face of compassion, the voice of reason, and the hands of hope as we carry out the great commission as Ambassadors for Christ.

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