
Tag simple reminders

Cast Your Cares On Him

Cast your cares on the Lord when things begin to stress you out. God has an answer for every problem that plagues society. And more importantly, God has the answer to every problem you’re facing today, therefore we already have the answer! Simply ask Him, then listen and wait for His response. And when you begin to hear Him speak DO WHAT HE TELLS YOU TO DO! Refuse to worry over problems. You have access to the source of the solution to every problem.

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We Go Through Things

We go through things as we live out our lives here on earth. But I challenge you to think of the phrase “Going Through Things” in a different light. We go through challenges like a bullet goes through cardboard. We go through obstacles like an airplane goes through the clouds. We go through hardships like a knife goes through butter. The next time someone tells you that they are going through some things, share this imagery with them. Oh, and as we go through things we also annihilate them by the power of God!

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Never Follow The Masses

Never follow the masses. This is not our home. We live in an anti-Christ society. We as Christians are going in the opposite direction of the flow of this world. Take a look at the things that are important in the world today and look at them through the lens of Christianity and you’ll see that the world view of things is counter to Christian beliefs. Avoid getting caught up in the flow of pop culture. Be wary of the direction that the masses are heading in. If you choose to follow the leader, make sure you know what direction the leader in heading in.

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