Speaking Words Worthy of Taking Flight

Speaking words is our primary way of communicating with one another. Speaking words is how we convey our thoughts, ideas, and emotions to one another. Unfortunately, sometimes we allow words to come out of our mouths that have more destructive properties than constructive properties.

[pullquote]Are harsh, judgmental words attempting to get through security and reach the ears of an unsuspecting target? Deny them entry until they conform to a policy of love as opposed to judgment.[/pullquote]

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Everyone is aware of how the events that took place on Sept 11th, 2001 changed the US forever. One major area that was affected was air traffic and passenger screening. Passengers were made to comply with extremely ridged security screenings that helped ensure that no contraband was taken aboard airplanes. Right after the 9/11 tragedy, passengers were admonished to arrive for departing flights at least 3 hours early at the major airports. Lines at some airport terminals stretched outside and onto the sidewalks.

In the screening areas, passengers were made to take off their shoes and each carry-on bag was thoroughly examined. There was a laundry list of prohibited items that were no longer allowed on airplanes, thanks to the events that took place on 9/11. At first, passengers nationwide thought these new screening procedures were an outrage. People complained of being treated unfairly. Some filed lawsuits. Others found alternate modes of transportation.

Now, years later, after the dust has settled, the security procedures that were once looked upon as an outrage are now accepted as common practice. If done long enough, even the most demanding process becomes palatable.

Speaking Words That Have Been Screened

Maybe we should take a lesson from the TSA where our words are concerned. The next time we are tempted to say something harmful, maybe we should send our words through the same screening process that outbound passengers have to go through at the airport. Maybe we shouldn’t allow the words that we speak to carry contraband and take flight eventually crashing into and harming those around us. Are words carrying malice attempting to go through your detector to hurt or harm someone? Don’t allow them to take flight until they have been disarmed. Are words carrying strife attempting to slip through the screening process? Don’t allow them through until you have stripped them of their harmful intentions.

Are harsh, judgmental words attempting to get through security and reach the ears of an unsuspecting target? Deny them entry until they conform to a policy of love as opposed to judgment.

It’s just as important to stop the negative effects of speaking words that harm as it is to screen passengers attempting to board a flight. Just as we all saw the increased screening practices at airports across the nation as difficult to deal with after 9/11, the attempt at only speaking words that comfort, exhort and encourage one another may seem difficult as well.

But as with anything else we struggle with in the beginning, with time and practice even the most difficult and taxing exercise can become commonplace. I encourage you to change the airwaves around you by speaking words that line up with God’s Word. Make a conscious effort to examine the words that come out of your mouth and screen them just as aggressively as the screening that takes place at airports.

Speaking words that have been screened properly before they are allowed to take flight will make the air space around you a soothing place to be and comfort the souls of those around you.

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