Sowing Seeds of Life

Sowing seeds is how we spend our days. You cannot live on planet earth without sowing seeds in the lives of others. The seeds we sow are either positive or negative. Words can be seeds, and actions can be seeds. But either way, the lives we choose to live influence those around us.
[pullquote]Sometimes as Christians it’s difficult for us to know a truth, and not attempt to force others, particularly our loved ones, to embrace the truth of God’s plan of salvation for our lives.[/pullquote] My mother was a praying mother. In fact, I give her most of the credit for “praying me into the Kingdom of God”. My mother never hounded me or presented Christ to me in a way that turned me off from receiving Him.

She never verbally said very much to me regarding God or His Word. She simply prayed and gave me a visual example of what living a Godly life looked like. For years, when it looked like I was going in every direction but a positive one, she never lost the hope of her children living for God. 

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The Process Requires Patience

Sometimes as Christians it’s difficult for us to know a truth, and not attempt to force others, particularly our loved ones, to embrace the truth of God’s plan of salvation for their lives. We must come to the realization that God loves our loved ones even more than we do. His desire to see the lost saved is stronger than ours.

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building – 1 Corinthians 3:6-9

Sowing Seeds and Getting a Harvest is a Process

God loves those who are lost and He continually sends people across their paths that minister to them in different ways. Salvation is a process. Someone comes along and plants, then moves on. Another comes along and waters the seed that was planted, then moves on. Someone else comes along and gives a testimony, then moves on.

Don’t feel like someone is lost forever simply because you aren’t the one who leads them to Christ. Do your part. Nurture the seed and then move on. Be careful not to do damage to the seed. Avoid hounding, preaching, trying to convince, insist, or force “religion” down the throat of those around you. Because of our love for Christ and our zeal to see as many saved as possible, I’m sure we’ve all done this from time to time.

As we go through life displaying Jesus to the world, every once in a while God will allow us to be the caboose in the “Salvation Train” by giving us the privilege of leading someone to Christ. Take the time to rejoice and enjoy those opportunities.

The fruit of His labor of love in the life of an individual who was lost is sometimes years in the making. Trust the salvation process. Never discount your impact and importance in the process of those you minister to. Even if you aren’t the caboose in the process.  For more encouraging messages click HERE.