Sin, One Drop at a Time Will Eventually Become a Flood

Sin, regardless of how minor you perceive it to be, if left unchecked will eventually lead to a flood. Some Christians feel that it’s OK to dabble in sin as long as no one gets hurt and all participants are consensual adults. I think it’s time we begin to live lives that are worthy of our calling.

There’s No Such Thing As Dabbling In Sin

My grandmother had a saying. She said. “When you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas”. It’s impossible to dabble in sin and not have it affect you in some way. It’s foolish to think of a man changing the oil in his car in a white dress shirt. No matter how careful he thinks he’s being, it’s virtually impossible to jack up a car, crawl underneath and change the oil without staining a white shirt in some way or another. It’s ridiculous to hop in the shower, come out clean and then go out and mow the lawn and think that you’ll be just as clean and fresh when you’re done as you were when you started.

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[pullquote]Sin has a way of seducing us. Sin has a way of charming us. Sin can be addictive. Once you start down the road to sin, it can be difficult to turn around and head back in the right direction.[/pullquote]

These examples are pretty clear. They deal with practical conditions in life that we can see and feel. But thinking you can remain clean spiritually and dabble in the filth of sin is just as foolish. Sin has a way of seducing us. Sin has a way of charming us. Sin can be addictive. Once you start down the road to sin, it can be difficult to turn around and head back in the right direction. So what drops of sin are you dealing with in your life? In what areas has the Holy Spirit tapped you on the shoulder and urged you not to partake in? At what point will you be ready and willing to go all in with God?

If you’re dealing with drops of sin in your life I urge you to eliminate them. As Christians, we have more than enough unintentional sin that we have to deal with on a daily based. We don’t need to willfully add things to our lives that dishonor the Father.

Cut The Faucet of Sin Off

I encourage you to do whatever it takes to overcome the vices that are leading you away from God and turn things around in your life. If you need an accountability partner, get one. If you need to stop and ask yourself WWJD, by all means do so. If you need to ask yourself how you would feel if your spouse or your children knew about your deep dark secret sin, do it. Don’t allow the drops of sin in your life to become a flood and cause irreparable damage to your soul.

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