Our God Is An Amazing God – Who Has a Great Sense of Humor

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Our God is a chill God. He’s not stressed out about anything. Why should He be? He knows how this thing called life is going to end. I believe He also has a sense of humor that is off the chain. He laughs when He shows up in our lives and we call it a “coincidence”.

A few years ago, my eldest son Jay graduated college with a certification in his field of choice. Finishing school while trying to provide for his young family was tough, but he finally made it through school.

After graduation, he dedicated himself to finding a job. Application after application was submitted but no employer seemed interested. Days turned into weeks but no one hired him. A few employers called, and he went on an interview here and there but no one called him back.

[pullquote]Our God is with us every moment of everyday. He feels our pains. He knows our concerns. Our God has a plan for our lives. And His plan for our lives is never the alternate plan. His plan for our lives is the first option…the best option.[/pullquote]

Weeks turned into months. None of us thought it would take this long to find work. Especially since he did the research and was sure that graduates in his field of study were in demand.

All throughout the process I was amazed at Jay’s attitude. His refusal to give up or get discouraged was amazing for me to see.  Many times I spoke to him with the goal being his cheerleader and lifting his spirits. On such occasions I walked away from those conversations as the one who’s spirits were lifted. His demeanor through those tough financial times was remarkable.

There Are No Coincidences With God

6 months went by and still no job prospects. We wondered how many applications you could possibly turn in and still get no response.

As we arrived at the 1 year mark finally, my son contacted me with good news. He was hired by one of the many companies he applied to! We Praised God together….

But when he told me who he would be working for, I almost fell on the floor….

Here’s the Humorous Part

In 1978, fresh out of high school, my first job was with a company that did inventories at major chain stores. For someone right out of high school, it was a great job. Every since working there years ago, I have held the company in high regard.

My son will be working for a branch of the very same company that gave me my induction into working class society. He will be doing inventories just as I did years ago at some of the same locations I used to work at.

Our God Has a Sense of Humor

With all the job applications submitted, and all the pavement pounding, leave it to our God to place Jay at the same company that hired me years ago. My wife and I talk all the time about how our God can change lives in the twinkling of an eye and take our lives in directions that are baffling to us. It’s amazing to witness His work in our lives first hand.

The moral to the story? I suppose if this story had a moral it would be

1 – Never give up, and

2 – Keep a good attitude

Our God is with us every moment of everyday. He feels our pains. He knows our concerns. Our God has a plan for our lives. And His plan for our lives is never the alternate plan. His plan for our lives is the first option…the best option.

In whatever you’re going through, remain cool, calm and collected. As the Old Spice commercial used to say “Never Let Em See You Sweat”. For the lord thy God is with you wherever you go.