Living Life in a Bubble – Make it a Clear Bubble

Living life in a bubble comes with pros and cons. In this post, I’ll be dealing mostly with the cons of living life in a bubble. Life happens 24/7/365 all around us. Most of us choose to make our own lives the focus of our attention and exclude the sometimes obvious plight of those around us.

[pullquote]Although I’m living life in a bubble, I’ve chosen to live in a clear bubble, meaning that I refuse to get so comfortable inside of my bubble that I forget about those outside of my bubble.[/pullquote]

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I once heard a millionaire say, “I don’t have down and out, poor people suffering through life issues in my neighborhood”. Later in his speech, He said, I said earlier in the program that I don’t have down and out, poor people suffering through life issues in my neighborhood. That’s incorrect. They are there, I just choose not to see them”.

The love of God doesn’t see past needs. It doesn’t sequester itself from others. However, we do have a mandate to guard our hearts with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23). A bucket that constantly dispenses to others without replenishing will eventually find itself empty. Balance in life is the key.

Don’t Be Tone Deaf

Today, someone near you will:

  • receive a phone call that their only child was killed by a drunk driver…
  • be kicked out of their home, not knowing where to move their family to…
  • spend the night next to a building behind a bush, praying not to be raped again…
  • be diagnosed with cancer, and as a result, commit suicide…
  • cope with a parent who doesn’t know who they are…
  • have their child kidnapped. Today will be the last day they will see their little boy…
  • be sold into the sex trafficking trade…

I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. Evil, horrible, depressing acts never cease. They surround us daily. Just turn on your local evening news and you’ll get a taste of the sickening things that are taking place right in your own backyard.

Maybe it’s self-preservation. Maybe it’s an attempt to keep my sanity, but I don’t watch the news very much. I’m not trying to turn a blind eye to life. It’s just that I find meditating on evil daily and filling my head with the awful things that surround me keeps a dark cloud of anguish over my head.

As a result, I suppose I’ve chosen to live my life in a bubble. My problems become my focus because they are the only problems I know of first-hand. I struggle with going from the extreme of excluding everyone and their troubles and placing mine at the center of my attention, to excluding my own issues and absorbing the issues of everyone else

I haven’t found the happy medium of standing somewhere in the middle of the problem scale yet. This precarious balance is what we call daily living. It’s taxing. It’s burdensome. And it’s a big part of what makes me yearn for the return of my Lord and Savior….SOON!

Although I’m living life in a bubble, I’ve chosen to live in a clear bubble, meaning that I refuse to get so comfortable inside of my bubble that I forget about those outside of my bubble.

Living Life in a Bubble – Make it a Clear Bubble

If you’re going through situations and circumstances in life that seem overwhelming, your neighbor may be going through something a little worse. Pray for them. If you can’t see a way out of your situation, your neighbor may have just lost his eyesight and can’t see at all, comfort him. If your child is failing in school, your neighbor may be returning from her child’s funeral, give her a hug. While your overbearing elderly parents may not be able to keep their noses out of your business, your neighbors’ parents may not recognize who he is. Spend the afternoon helping him care for them. The blazing heat from the summer sun may make your house an inferno, but I’m sure it’s more comfortable for you than the woman whose home is a park bench, take her a bottle of water. Chronic fatigue might make your life difficult, but your neighbor was just told by his doctor that he has less than 6 months to get his affairs in order, go and cry with him.

Life is tough to manage sometimes. But no matter how tough your life becomes, go knock on your neighbor’s door. You may find that your life isn’t as tough as you thought it was.

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