Dynamic Scripture Bible Study: John 8:31-32 – The Truth Shall Make You Free

John 8:31-32 31

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…KJV.

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John 8:31-32 is key to victory in every area of life. These scriptures are foundational. There are two points I want to illustrate in John 8:31-32. Point number one is the revelation of two different classes of disciples. There are “average” disciples who follow Jesus superficially and there are disciples “Indeed”. A disciple indeed is someone who has made the decision to dedicate themselves to knowing Jesus on a deeper level by continuing in His Word. A disciple indeed will not be moved when the circumstances of life come calling. His hallmark is the fact that He continues.

John 8:31-32 Is Key To Victory In Every Area Of Life

Second point. The truth that you discover by continuing in His Word will make you free. Some quote John 8:32 as “the truth will set you free”, however this is not how the verse was rendered in the original language. There is a distinct difference between making someone free and setting someone free. If an animal is caged and I unlock and open the cage door, I have just set the animal free. But for whatever reason, the animal may remain in the cage. The animal doesn’t necessarily have to come out of the cage simply because I opened the cage door. But in the same scenario, to make the animal free means that I pick the cage up, turn it upside down and shake it until the animal is forced out.

To make the animal free means he doesn’t have a choice. He cannot remain in the cage. John 8:32 tells us that continuing in God’s Word will force us into freedom in whatever area we are being held captive in.

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