Heart Problems: A Bad Heart Can Affect Your Quality of Life

Heart problems can wreak havoc on your life. When I refer to heart problems, I’m not speaking of the blood pump in your chest. I’m talking about the spirit that God placed within you. Man is the greatest of all of God’s creations. God breathed the very Spirit of Himself into man.

[pullquote]The creative force that God placed within man is always working. There’s nothing we can do to stop the creative process from working in our lives. [/pullquote]

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The creative nature of God resides on the inside of us. You could say that the creative center of man is his heart. When our thoughts move past our minds and get down into our hearts, the creative power of our nature is activated. These creative forces can be used either positively or negatively. What this creative force is unleashed to create in our lives depends on what we spend our time meditating on, or thinking about.

Heart Problems Begin in the Mind

The creative force that God placed within man is always working. There’s nothing we can do to stop the creative process from working in our lives. Have you ever been told about a sizable amount of money that you are due to receive some time in the near future? It may have been an inheritance, or proceeds from a settlement of some sort. As soon as you learn about your pending financial blessing, your mind immediately begins to dream about how you’re going to spend it. You may have thoughts of a well-deserved vacation, a new car, paying off overdue bills, or simply padding your savings account.

You didn’t have to force your mind to go there. It went there on its own, planning, scheming, and spending your money. Your mind began to paint vivid pictures of what you were going to do with the money weeks, months, or even years before you get your hands on it.

Likewise, when your kid is out late at night on a sleep over and your phone rings at 3AM, almost immediately your mind flashes images of a broken body lying lifeless in the streets, or something similar. In that split second, every horrible image imaginable manages to cross your mind. You answer the phone only to find out that it was a wrong number.

These mental triggers happen as a result of years of conditioning. They stem from what we’ve seen, heard, and experienced both in our own lives and in the lives of others. The progression begins in the mind. Meditating on thoughts and images continually will cause what we are meditating on to sink down into our hearts. Once these thoughts get into our hearts, we accept them as our reality and they become who we are.

Building a Healthy Heart

Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. Proverbs 4:23 says, Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life”. What we allow to become lodged in our hearts is what we will experience in our lives. The fact of the matter is our hearts are always in the process of creating something.

Take a look around you and examine the issues in your life your heart has created. If the issues you are facing in life are not as you would like them, I encourage you to take stock in what you have allowed to grow in your heart. Do you want to live a life free from heart problems? Begin to meditate on God’s Word. Allow His Word to bathe your consciousness until the Word slips down out of your head and takes root in your heart.

As God’s Word becomes rooted and grounded in your heart, the issues of life you face on a daily basis will change…for as a man thinks in his HEART, so is he….

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