Harmony Among the Brethren

Harmony….amazing things happen when people do things in harmony. One of the reasons why I love sitting in the first, second, or third row at church is because I have a clear view of the worship band on Sunday mornings.

[pullquote]A large part of the power that comes through music is the result of the “oneness” of harmony. The harmony that comes from individuals becoming one to produce sounds that fit together with the end result being a product that soothes the soul. [/pullquote]

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It’s fascinating to watch each musician in harmony with his particular instrument. Our drummer is particularly interesting to watch. As he plays, he falls into an almost hypnotic state. Its man and instrument becoming one producing amazing sounds. As the musicians become one with their instruments, each musician plays in harmony with one another.

This only adds to the beauty of this amazing collaboration. I’m persuaded that a large part of the power that comes through music is the result of the “oneness” of harmony. The harmony that comes from individuals becoming one to produce sounds that fit together with the end result being a product that soothes the soul.

The benefits of harmony can be seen in other areas as well. Winning sports teams are a great example of what happens when individuals act in harmony with one another. It’s been proven time and time again that a superstar, no matter how talented he may be, can never win against a team that is working together in harmony.

When we as individuals in the Body of Christ work in harmony with the Holy Spirit and with one another, nothing can stand against us. It’s unfortunate that harmonious living doesn’t come naturally to us.

The power of harmony is the subject in Matthew 18:19 in the prayer of agreement. The results of harmony are also illustrated for us in the Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11:1-9. If a team, band, family, or organization strives to work together in harmony, it will take a lot of effort to get there. The fact that our worship band sounds so good on Sunday mornings didn’t happen by accident. It takes countless hours of practice to get to the place where performing in harmony comes naturally.

The next time you’re in a situation where there is dissension, confusion, and discord, think about the power that can be found in the harmony of music. Share this illustration with those who are in discord.

Once those around you truly understand and get a taste of the power that’s available through being on one accord, they will strive to exist in harmony with those around them and work together toward one common goal in all things.

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