God Loves You Even In The Midst of Your Unanswered Questions

God loves you. No matter who you are. Regardless of what you’ve done. No matter what direction your life seems to be going in. You must settle the fact in your heart that God loves you. For you, this might be the ultimate act of faith.

 Nurturing the “Why” Child

Why is probably the most fielded question by parents from their children. There seems to be an insatiable hunger in them to know “why”. Their quest to find out why starts in early childhood. Almost all parents have had to deal with the never-ending “why” questions from their children. If you’ve ever had to deal with a “why” child, you know first-hand the frustrations caused by the continual need to justify requests made of your children.

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[pullquote]Don’t base the love of God on any current or future situation in your life. Base your belief that God loves you on what He’s already done for you. He sacrificed His only Son for you.[/pullquote]

As a parent, we may think that having an inquisitive child is amusing. We want to expand their minds and foster their adventurous spirits. But as our childrens’ need to know why grows, we become troubled that an explanation is due before they are able to act on our words. As they mature into adolescence and on into adulthood, they begin to experience grown-up issues and grown-up disappointments. Life can be ugly sometimes. To say life isn’t fair is an understatement.

Why is this happening to me Lord?

As adults, some of us have been left questioning the very existence of God because of the horrendous things that we’ve had to endure. Things that on the surface seem very unfair. The circumstances of life seem to lack compassion. We cry out to God “why”, and most of the time our cries go unanswered. Seems like nobody’s home upstairs. Or even worse, nobody cares. In conjunction with our unanswered queries, a voice whispers in our ear, “God doesn’t love you. If He loved you, would He ______ “(you fill in the blank).

In a state of rebellion, some have left the church and divorced themselves from the notion of God being a loving God. All stemming from the fact that God didn’t tell them why something happened or didn’t happen in their lives. If you’ve experienced devastating circumstances in your life and you never got your why question answered, I’m truly sorry. There is no way any human being can begin to answer your why questions for you. All we can offer is our condolences and the reassuring thought that God loves you.

God loves you based upon what He’s already done for you

Even if it looks like God doesn’t love you based upon what is or isn’t happening in your life, God loves you. Even if you don’t particularly feel loved based upon the circumstances you find yourself in, know that God loves you. Don’t base the love of God on any current or future situation in your life. Base your belief that God loves you on what He’s already done for you. He sacrificed His only Son for you.

Develop a picture of a loving Father who feels what you feel. We serve a God who mourns when we mourn. We have a heavenly Father who feels every bit of the pain that His children feel. Develop a picture in your heart of a loving Father who is there to comfort us to the extent that we will allow Him to comfort us.

Don’t look at the world around you and judge the love of God by what happens or doesn’t happen in your life. God’s love is greater than any temporary blessing in your life just as your love as a parent is greater than any material gift that you can give your children.

Loving by Faith

Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38 all say that the just shall live by faith. Living the life of faith is directly opposed to knowing why things happen in our lives. Knowing why things happen in our lives in most instances would only lead to more why questions. It might sound harsh, but it’s not our place to know why.

Our responsibility is to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and to lean not on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). Living life in this unstable environment without knowing the why’s of life is the ultimate display of trust.

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