Give Your Attention to Things Above

Give your attention to things above and the enemy won’t be able to trick you by making your problems look larger than that actually are. The devil uses the natural circumstances of life to strike fear in the hearts of the believers. God uses the promises in His Word, taken by faith to combat that which can be seen. We lie in the middle. What we choose to focus our attention on will either destroy us or bring us overwhelming victory. Choose wisely.

Give Your Attention

Personalized Coffee Mug Giveaway faith

Simple Reminders of who we are, what we have, and what we can do in Christ can empower us to overcome in virtually every area of life. Countless times in scripture we are commanded to remember. Remembering causes the current monsters we’re facing to shrink before our eyes.

Remembering that God is working in us, on us, around us and through us causes the believer to become bold as a lion. And remembering how our Heavenly Father has delivered us from situations and circumstances in our lives that at one point looked bleak, strengthens us to endure present circumstances knowing that the God of deliverance still lives.

Give Your Attention to Things Above…Colossians 3:2

I’d like to encourage you now in whatever struggle you’re facing to take some time out to remember. Complete the form below and begin receiving Simple Reminders in the form of inspirational quotes, sayings, and scripture verses to remind you of the love of God each day directly to your email inbox.


All Things Are Possible with God

The same God who delivered you in the past is more than willing and able to deliver you from your current challenge. The key in realizing your deliverance is remembering how He supernaturally delivered you in your past situation and praising Him for deliverance in your current challenge.