Endurance: Running The Race That’s Set Before You

Endurance, as it relates to anything in life, comes down to one thing and one thing only: How bad do you want to win? Physical limitations, poor education, less than perfect circumstances, being raised in a single-parent home, the color of your skin, a lack of finances, and a myriad of other factors can only hinder your success if you allow them to.

[pullquote]Endurance to complete your race will call for a quality decision on your part to do whatever is necessary for as long as necessary to finish your race.[/pullquote]

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We have countless stories of successful people who looked the odds in the face, took them on, and through steadfast endurance, overcame adversity to achieve success in their lives. So what makes you any different than they?

Steve Prefontaine held the American record in seven distance track events from the 2000 meters to the 10,000 meters in the 1970s. Before the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany he said, “I’m not faster than any other racers. I just have the ability to endure more pain than they can”.

Life can be difficult sometimes. Adversity is all around us. As we are running our race, the temptation is to allow our eyes to stray out of our lane of the race and look at how others are coping in their races instead of concentrating on the race that is set before us. Resist that temptation. There is no way for you to truly see inside of someone else’s circumstances and get a true understanding of the challenges they have to contend with in their race.

Endurance to complete your race will call for a quality decision on your part to do whatever is necessary for as long as necessary to finish your race. Don’t’ take “no” for an answer. Take the time to find a scriptural basis for the race you’re about to embark upon. The title of your race is personal and related to where you currently find yourself in life.

Finding a job, finding a spouse, getting out of debt, losing weight, or overcoming fears, are only a small sample of what your individual race may be titled. Get quiet before the Lord and search your heart concerning the direction you are about the set out on. Once you’ve done your part, go before the Lord in prayer regarding your race, and commit to moving forward by saying:

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Word which is immovable and will remain forever. As I stand on your Word, I too intent to be immovable and remain forever regarding this race I’m about to embark on. I’m using (scripture verse) as the anchor upon which I base this prayer. I’m placing my faith on the line and I thank you in advance for the results that will be seen as a result of this prayer. I ask that along the way you would open my eyes to lessons that you will teach me. Help me to pick up on information that I can use in future challenges that I will face in life. Help me to gain knowledge that will not only make me a better, stronger person but experience that I can share with others to help make them stronger as well. Now, Father as I begin this quest, I commit to stand strong on your Word, and if I have ventured outside of your will for my life in any way regarding this challenge, I’m asking and expecting you to set me back on course. If you don’t correct my course, I commit to going forward and I will continue to endure whatever comes my way regarding this life challenge until I see answered prayer or until Jesus returns, whichever comes first. Lord, I thank you for victory, in Jesus Name.

Pain is temporary….quitting is forever. Colin Cowherd (The Herd)

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