COVID-19 Is No Match For Our God

COVID-19 is a fact of life around the world as of this writing. However, God’s Word is the truth. We have a right to stand on the truth of God’s Word with the expectation of the Word of God becoming flesh (reality) in our lives. Yes, even in the face of a pandemic.

Knowing who we are, what we have, and what we can do in Christ can change how we approach any situation in life. People who are ignorant of their rights (both natural and spiritual) have been continuously taken advantage of throughout history.

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We’re Living in Trying Times

We are being bombarded with information (and misinformation) as never before. It’s incumbent upon us, more than ever before to guard our hearts with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23).

[pullquote]Your level of faith will always sink down to or rise up to what you spend the most time digesting into your soul.[/pullquote]

As we take on board new policies and procedures regarding COVID-19 as they are handed down to us by our state and local government, we need to keep in mind who we are in Christ. Losing sight of the benefits we have in Christ will slowly drain us of our hope and cause us to be transformed into the image of the world and not after Christ.

Truth Will Overcome Fact Every Time

It’s a fact that Covid-19 is running rampant in the world right now. But the truth of God’s Word tells us that no plague shall come near our dwelling (Psalm 91:10). That is if we DWELL (to live in, settle down in and take up residence in) the secret place of the Most High….. a condition laid down for us in verse 1 of the 91 Psalm.

Make a choice to believe the truth and truth will eradicate fact every time. We have hundreds of years of history that bear this out.

But the enemy knows the scripture. He knows that faith for anything (good or bad) comes by hearing (Romans 10:17). Your level of faith will always sink down to or rise up to what you spend the most time digesting into your soul.

There are tons of scriptures that deal with the deliverance available to God’s people. I would encourage you to study them out now more than ever. And as we take in new information daily from the various media sources, likewise daily feed on the truth of God’s Word about our deliverance from the evils of the times we’re living in.

I believe that tough times are an opportunity for the church to shine as a beacon of hope for the world more than ever before. But in order to do that, we must be mindful of what’s taking up residence in our hearts (Proverbs 4:23).

Our Battle is Multi-faceted

I believe in being informed. I believe we should comply with every ordinance necessary to combat this foul virus we’re facing. But I also believe that it’s vitally important that we avoid getting caught up in focusing on the fruit of our problems to the neglect of the root of our problems, which are spiritual in nature.

Instead, focus on the answer to this plague. Keep the answer before your eyes (Proverbs 4:20-22). The answer to this plague and every other issue we face in life is God’s Word.

Give more attention to what God has to say than to what the media is feeding you. Again, I’m not saying to ignore what the media is saying. What I’m asking you to do is evaluate what you’re giving most of your attention to.

If you’re concentrating more on information outside of what God has to say about your situation, make an adjustment. Allow the Word of God to become your main source of influence as opposed to what the world has to say.

Be careful not to lower God and His Word down to the level of human experience. Instead, elevate the expectation of your human experience to the level of the Word of God.

The Peace of God Looms Larger Than COVID-19

As you keep the answer to the COVID-19 virus before your eyes, the peace of God will carry you through. It doesn’t matter how bad things may seem around you, the light of your peace will shine through. And when questions begin to come (and they most certainly will) like, Why don’t you seem worried? How come you’re always hopeful? And Why aren’t you and your family members sick? Be prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have within you (1 Peter 3:15). The hope which comes from Christ and more importantly, Christ in you.

Meditate in the truth of God’s Word to the point that the idea of you succumbing to the COVID-19 virus becomes just as ridiculous as Christ himself falling victim to it.

Faith Focus:

DELIVERANCE, noun. To release from captivity, slavery, oppression, or any restraint. (Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language – 1812 Edition).

Scripture verses related to deliverance from plagues such as the COVID-19 virus.

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. (Psalm 91:10)

The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them” (Psalm 34:7).