Casting Your Cares On The Lord: Living the No Stress Life

Casting your cares on the Lord is just as much a commandment as the big 10. Doing it will rid your life of worry.

Can you imagine living a life where all your financial cares are taken care of. All your material needs are taken care of. A life where all your family members, particularly your children were protected day and night where ever they go. I’m taking about living a life where you have no care. You have no concern. A life where everything under the sun has been taken care of.

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The Stress Free Life

In actuality, that’s the kind of life the Word of God offers. God offers His children a way to live in this life where we can be care free. I’m starting to see and understand just how freeing it is to know that in Christ, all my needs are met. In knowing that in Christ, my family is safe and protected.

If you’re a parent you know that your kids are a top priority in your life. It’s freeing to know that there is absolutely nothing more that I can provide to them by worrying about them. Sometimes living a life free from care and free from concern can look irresponsible or uncaring.

When I go to bed at night, my children know that my phone is shut off. I cannot be reached. They know that if they need me, they can leave a message and I’ll get back to them in the morning. They also know that they are in good keeping because I’ve left them in God’s hands. I trust that God is well able to take care of my children. The same is true with my wife. It’s comforting to know that whether I can be reached or not, to know that God is watching over her in every situation of life and that all will be fine.

Casting Your Cares On The Lord Mean’s Leaving Worry Behind

There’s nothing that I can positively add to any situation by worrying. In fact, my worrying displays my lack of faith in God and His Word, thereby magnifying any possible negative situation. In 1 Peter 5:7 He told me to cast my care on Him, because He cares for me. To do anything else would be a violation of His Word. God is at the helm of every area of my life and the peace that I experience because of this is mind blowing.


Salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all. The process of becoming a Christian isn’t complicated at all. If you’re ready to fill the spiritual void in your life watch the video “What must I do to be Saved?”

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