Answered Prayers Add Fuel to Your Faith Fire

Answered prayers go a long way toward strengthening you. Remembering past answered prayers help stabilize your faith. Answered prayers help you overcome doubt in whatever challenges you may be facing today.

Evidence Disproves Lies

[pullquote]God has miraculously answered prayers in my life. What I may be going through now is nothing compared to what I’ve been delivered from.[/pullquote]

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We must make every effort not to forget the situations and circumstances that God has delivered us from as we journey onward toward where God is leading us to. All too often we allow the enemy to attack our minds with ideas and thoughts that today’s obstacles are insurmountable. He will paint a picture in front of us that will lead us to believe that God has abandoned us in our current faith fight. Nothing could be farther from the truth. All we have to do to strengthen our faith is keep in the forefront of our minds situations from our past that looked insurmountable, but in the face of what looked impossible, God delivered us through.

I believe the power of God is working on my behalf 24/7/365, but there are 4 distinct times when I received answered prayers and deliverance from God that I use to anchor my soul whenever I’m facing situations where there seems to be no good way out.

God miraculously answered prayers in those situations and I know in my heart that if God could deliver me out of those situations, what I may be going through at any given time is nothing compared to what I’ve been delivered from.

Remember God’s Deliverance

So many times we receive answered prayers from God in a miraculous way and we bubble over with thanksgiving at the time, but in our very next attack we forget what God just recently delivered us from and we allow fear to come in and rob us of our victory. If you want to build your faith I encourage you to think back in your life to when things didn’t look too good for you and through answered prayers, God miraculously delivered you.

If you keep a prayer journal, go back and read some of your victories. Think back to situations in your life when nothing could deliver you other than the supernatural power of God. Mentally take yourself back through your past struggles. You may have been delivered from alcoholism. You may have been delivered from a drug addiction. You may have been delivered from an abusive marriage. Remember how you felt when it seemed like there was no way out. You may have felt all alone in your situation. You may have felt like no one understood the full extent of what you were going through at the time.

Then take yourself back mentally to how you felt when answers to your prayers came. Bring back to your mind how you praised God. Bring back the feelings of joy you had when your deliverance came and the enemy stronghold was broken in your life. The remembrance of answered prayers in your life will give you ammunition to face your current challenges in life and completely blow them away. Remembering answered prayers from your past will also cause you to keep the praises of God on your lips. These thoughts of past victories will keep your heart in a perpetual state of thanksgiving.

Draw Strength From Answered Prayer

All of us have answered prayers from our past that we can draw strength from. The key to current victory in our prayer lives is to never forget the how, when and why’s of our deliverance, and to always give God the glory for where we are right now.

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