We Go Through Things

.We go through things in life that aren’t very pleasant. Going through tough times is par for the course if you’re a living, breathing soul on this earth.

As Christians, going through things, should be viewed as us annihilating the problems we’re facing. Going through things should serve to strengthen us, and not defeat us.

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[pullquote]As Christians, we go through things, but going through things for us should be viewed as us annihilating the problems we’re facing.[/pullquote]

I want to take a moment to tweak your way of thinking about going through things and the terminology we use to describe our trials.

Definitionthrough, or to go through – to annihilate, to pulverize, to utterly destroy, to strike with violence, to move with force, to overcome resistance.

Ok, let me illustrate my definition.  When a SWAT Team goes through a door, they leave the door utterly destroyed.

When a military tank goes through a village, very little of the village is left in its wake.

In football, when a running back goes through the defensive line, linemen are left on the ground licking their wounds.

My point is that when challenges are brought on in our lives. Things that are the result of devilish attacks, the enemy should pay a heavy price for his trouble.

When We Go Through Things, The Enemy Should Quake In His Boots

What if we change the way we think and take an offensive posture, armed with the sword of the Spirit when we go through things? What if we take the Word of God and destroyed each and every challenge brought on by our enemy? I’ll tell you what would happen…..

1 – The world would see a group of world overcomers


2 – We would come out on the other side of our battles stronger, bolder, and more confident. And most importantly with testimony.

I challenge you to ask around in the circles you travel in. Find out how many people around you would love to be weak. You probably won’t get very many takers.

Now pose a question to a different group of your friends or associates. Ask if they’d like to be strong. You’ll probably get everyone you talk to to jump on that band wagon in a heartbeat.

So, let’s show the world what real power and what real strength is by being strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10) when we go through things.

Let’s completely destroy each and every challenge that shows up in our lives by holding fast to God’s Word as we go through things. If you’re feeling down get up, dust yourself off and go through something. If you’re blessed enough that all is peaceful in your life right now, get up and go find something to go through! Click HERE to read more inspiring posts.