Truth Is The Christian Fact Checker

Truth is a standard. It’s our baseline. Truths based on what God has to say in His Word are our “Rules of Engagement”. Or should I say, wise men use it as their standard of measure.

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Truth should supersede how we feel. It should be the baseline of how we think. We live in a day and age where we are extremely “feeling” conscious. We say “I feel this way, therefore it must be who I am“. The problem with that way of thinking is that feelings change. How we feel can be manipulated by many factors.

[pullquote]We have been given the truth of God’s Word to rule and reign over the facts that we face in this life. Having and holding on to the truth will nullify and render facts inoperable.[/pullquote]

If we live lives based solely on how we feel, we stray away from the truth and begin to live fact oriented lives. Fact based lives have no baseline. No standard of measure. Nothing substantial to hold themselves up to.

God’s Word is the standard of truth by which God’s people are to measure their lives. Jesus came and gave us an example in which we should follow in His steps (1 Peter 2:21). But what do we do when we face real life facts that conflict with the truth of God’s Word?

Just The Facts Ma’am

truthJoe Friday is a fictional character created and portrayed by Jack Webb as the lead for his series Dragnet. As a child in the 60’s I remember watching “Dragnet “with my grandmother. In each episode when victims were being interviewed by Sergeant Friday, they would begin to get off track and stray away from the events of the crime. This would prompt Sergeant Friday to say, “All we want are the facts, ma’am. Just the facts”

The facts of any circumstance can’t be ignored. It may be a fact that you were a victim of a terrible crime. The fact of the matter is that you may have been diagnosed with a horrible disease. It may be a fact that you have no money in the bank. We wake up each day with the facts of life staring us in the face. Facts are real and they should not be ignored.

God’s Word Is The Truth About Your Situation

We have been given the truth of God’s Word to rule and reign over the facts that we face in this life. Having and holding on to the truth will nullify and render facts inoperable. Truth will override facts and if held on to long enough, will take the place of the facts you’re currently experiencing.

The bible says that God’s Word is truth. (John 17:17). Truth is the highest authority. Nothing is higher or can nullify the truth. Therefore when I receive a horrible diagnosis from my Doctor, I can counteract the fact that I’ve been diagnosed with a debilitating disease with the truth of God’s Word which says that by Jesus stripes, I was healed (1 Peter 2:24).

When the facts state that I don’t have enough money in the bank to meet my financial obligations, I can counteract that fact with the truth of God’s Word which says “My God will supply all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

When I’m faced with the fact that my children seem to be going down the wrong road and heading toward a life apart from God, I can lean on the truth of God’s Word which tells me to believe in the Lord Jesus and I and all my family will be saved (Acts 16:31).

Truth Is The Christian Fact Checker

References are made throughout the scriptures about fighting the good fight of faith. The bible talks about laying hold of the hope that is set before us, and using the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. All of these references have to do with taking the truth of God’s Word and overcoming the facts that we face in our lives. Always keep in mind when facing negative facts that God’s Word is the Christians fact checker.

I encourage you today not to be moved by the facts that you’re currently facing. Acknowledge the facts, then get into God’s Word and find the scripture or biblical principle that addresses your particular fact. Hold up the truth of God’s Word against the fact that you’re facing and watch your facts melt away when confronted with the truth.

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