Trusting Your New Nature

Trusting your thoughts, feelings and emotions can be both empowering and dangerous, depending on which direction you allow yourself to be led by them.

Your Emotions Can’t Be Trusted

Have you ever just wanted to slap the snot out of someone? Have you ever wanted to curse someone up one side and down the other? Have you ever wanted to write a scathing email to someone who deserved to be put in their place? Have you ever felt like you wanted to throw in the towel and give up on life? I’m not talking about suicide, but about fatigue from the various challenges we all must face in life?

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[pullquote]Trusting God above all else is what’s going to see us through. We have His Word. We will reap in due season, if we faint not. [/pullquote]

Your challenge may be a financial one. Your bank account may be down to your last $20.00. You may have bills piling up that you cannot pay. Then right in the middle of your financial challenges, it seems like everyone around you is receiving financial blessing left and right. Everyone, that is except you.

Your challenge may be with your kids. It may look like everyone else’s children are making the honor role, excelling in sports, receiving full scholarships to college, and being acknowledged by the community as children that should be looked up to. But you had to pick up your teen from the police station last weekend for stealing a car.

Your challenge may be with your health. Everyone in your family may be the picture of health. All your relatives may pride themselves in having minimal body fat and being in supreme physical condition. But you, the black sheep of the family, are overweight, have high blood pressure and asthma and are looked down on in your own household.

You’ve been able to hold it together so far and keep your emotions in check, but some days you come close to erupting and telling the world where it can go. Have you ever wondered how you’ve been able to keep it together for this long?

My belief is that it’s because of your new nature. We are born again children of God. We have adopted a new way of doing things. Now granted, we grow into our new nature over time and we mature along the way. But as we grow and mature in Christ there are simply some reactions that go against who we are and who we represent.

Today was a rough day for me. I wanted to give up. Having had my faith on the line for several different things for so long had fatigued me. I wanted to say screw it all, and throw in the towel. I backed away from my computer because I couldn’t stand looking at it any longer. But something inside me wouldn’t allow me to give up, cave in and quit. My nature…my new nature wouldn’t allow me to quit.

Trusting God’s Way Over Emotions

At my core, trusting in God and in His Word is a part of who I am. If you’re facing daunting situations in your life right now, it’s okay to get fatigued. It’s okay to get frustrated and it’s okay to become angry. These are human emotions that we all have. What matters is how we respond to these emotions.

The book has already been written. The Word has already been issued. “The Book” tells us that we are more than conquerors in and through Jesus Christ. I encourage you to never give up. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are or what you’re going through. Trusting God is what we were born again to do.

Trusting God above all else is what’s going to see us through. We have His Word. We will reap in due season, if we faint not. We will see God move in our circumstances. Trusting God is the avenue that will bring His Word to pass in our lives.

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