The Sacrifice of Praise – Our Most Precious Offering

The Sacrifice of PraiseThe Sacrifice of Praise in the midst of turmoil is the most expense gift you could offer the Father God. In the real world, shopping for others has always been easy for me. I love to shop, so I look forward to opportunities to give to others. However, I do know that some people have a hard time shopping for others. Trying to give something that a person needs and or wants can be a daunting task.

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When it comes to God, the bible says that the cattle on a thousand hills belongs to God. God is the creator. He owns it all. Is there a certain amount of money that you could offer to Him? No, the money belonged to Him before He gave it to you. Literally EVERYTHING belongs to God already, so what could you possibly give Him that He doesn’t already have?

Question: What Do You Give The Man Who Has Everything?

Answer: The sacrifice of praise

Offering the sacrifice of praise in a time when you don’t feel like praising Him. Worshipping in a time when you don’t feel like worshipping. Trusting when you don’t know what the outcome will be is literally the most expensive thing you can offer God.

The Sacrifice of Praise – Our Most Precious Gift

To maintain your trust in God when He seems to be moving in everyone’s life except yours is the most valuable gift you can give to your Heavenly Father. Trust God when you can’t see the outcome. Offer praise when you don’t feel like praising. Worship Him when you don’t have answers. These gifts of sacrifice are the most expense gifts you can give the man who has everything. Watch the video, “What Do You Give The Man Who Has Everything? Offering The Sacrifice of Praise”.



Salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all. The process of becoming a Christian isn’t complicated at all. If you’re ready to fill the spiritual void in your life watch the video “What must I do to be Saved?”

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