The Law of Faith

The Law of Faith is just as reliable as any natural laws we have here in the earth. A law will work anywhere in the world. A law will work for anyone who will work the law. When the rules that govern a law are operated properly, the law will work every single time with no exceptions.

The bible calls faith a law. Romans 3:27 says that faith is a law, which means that faith should work every single time for anyone who knows how to work it properly.

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When there is a plane crash and an investigation is conducted, most of the time a reason for the crash is discovered. But there is that 1% occurrence when investigators cannot find a reason for the crash.

On those extremely rare occasions when no reason for the crash is found, investigators never include a breakdown in the law of gravity as a possible cause for the crash. No investigator ever sites a temporary suspension in the laws of aerodynamics as a possible cause for the disaster. Why? Because gravity is a law. Aerodynamics is a law. Laws do not change. Laws are the same yesterday, today and forever.

The Law Of Faith Never Fails

So when you pray and things don’t work out as you had hoped, never question the law. Never question faith. Don’t question God. Never question His will. Don’t question His Word. The law is never the problem. A breakdown in the laws of God will never be the reason why you didn’t see the grace of God show up in your life.

Don’t allow the enemy to whisper in your ear, “the reason why you didn’t get your prayer answered is because you didn’t pray enough”. Or “the reason why you didn’t get your prayer answered is because it’s not God’s Will”, or any other nonsense like that.

Once again, faith is a law, and laws don’t fail. Instead, simply pull God aside and ask Him why things didn’t work. Where did I miss it Lord? Why didn’t things work out? I thought I did things according to your Word, but obviously I did something wrong, please show me what I did wrong. If you sincerely seek Him and have a desire to get to know Him and how He operates, He will reveal Himself you you.


Salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all. The process of becoming a Christian isn’t complicated at all. If you’re ready to fill the spiritual void in your life watch the video “What must I do to be Saved?”

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