Tag God’s Word

There is Always Hope

There is always hope regardless of where you are in life because we serve a God who rules and reigns over the impossible. If all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26), then there are no impossibilities for the people of God. An indication of an unrenewed mind is hopelessness. When the mind is renewed to the Word of God we think differently. The renewed mind sees the world and situations in the world through the lens of God’s Word. If nothing is impossible for God then those who renew their minds will live lives where He is free to do the miraculous through them.

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Bold Faith is a Product of Heart Felt Trust

Bold faith must be attached to something. It’s not a product of the mind. It isn’t a product of will power. Bold faith comes from the heart of man. It doesn’t make sense because it’s not based on anything sensual…meaning it’s not based on anything that can be substantiated by our 5 physical senses. Bold faith is born from the Holy Spirit revealing the truth of God’s Word to us in such a way that we no longer believe it to be true. We know it to be true. Nothing can stand against the Word of God revealed to the spirit of man.

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Faith in the Unseen Makes Us Believers

Faith in the unseen is what makes us believers. If we could see that which we hope for we would be knowers. Seems simple enough. God our Father is the epitome of  the word / concept of trust. He said in His Word that He cannot lie. If God’s Word has failed in your life, the person in the mirror is where the breakdown occurred, not with God. Therefore we can approach the unseen world of hope with an absolute assurance that we serve a God who will never let us down.

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Storms of Life Can’t Move You

Storms of life can’t move you when you’re tethered to the immovable. God’s Word is immovable. Distractions may come, but think about this for a moment. If the devil had the power to defeat me, why doesn’t he just defeat me and be done with it? Because he can’t. He needs to detach me from the Word in order to defeat me. Be determined to stand strong. The dark clouds of hopelessness may move in. But if your hope remains tethered to the Word of God victory cannot be snatched away from you.

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Who is in Control?

Who is in control of your attitude, your mood, your highs and your lows? Do situations and circumstances tend to get you down? Our emotions change from life event to life event. There’s nothing wrong with emotions….in their place. The problem comes when we allow our emotions to run the show instead of approaching life from a spiritual standpoint. Base your words, actions, thoughts, deeds and beliefs on God’s Word which never changes and you’ll be like that tree firmly rooted… Psalm 1:3

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Set Your Mind On Things Above

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:2). We don’t see with our eyes, we see with our minds. That’s why 12 people who see the same accident have 12 different stories describing it. To set something means to focus on something and leave it there. To set a thermostat is to set it on 70 degrees (for instance) and leave it there. What is your mind set on? Setting your mind on God’s Word leads to life and peace (Romans 8:6).

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God Said It…..Period!

God said it. Nothing more needs to be said. I understand that we live in a world where thoughts and opinions matter. I also understand that divine justice seems to be alluding us. But make no mistake about it, although the wheels of divine justice grind slowly, justice will prevail. It always has and it always will. God’s Word will be the last Word in our lives, in this county and in this world no matter how bad things may look presently. Whether you believe it or not is a mute point.

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Faith Lives in the Unseen Realm

Faith lives in a realm of existence that’s outside of that which can be seen or touched. Faith thrives in a place where the senses cannot roam. So if I am to believe that which my senses are unaware of, there has to be a guide or roadmap to show me what exists beyond my senses. That roadmap is God’s Word. The bible is the substance, the tangibility, the evidence, the proof of the things we cannot see (Hebrews 1:11). Allow it to lead and guide you. Stand on God’s Word, for He shall surely bring it to pass in your life.

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Giving Up Our Rights

Giving up our rights, in most instances would be considered a bad thing. In fact, just uttering those words can conjure up anxiety within us. However, giving up our right to understand how God is moving in our lives is the first step toward strong faith. Protesting against God’s Word simply because we don’t understand what He’s doing is akin to us feeling the need to give Him approval in what He wants to do in our lives in order to proceed. Let’s give up our right to understand, and simply believe.

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Never Fear – God is on the Throne

Never fear…..this simple statement seems like an impossibility to some. We’re living in challenging times. In some instances it seems like the spirit of common sense and decency left to room long ago. But never fear….God is still on the Throne. If we read the back of the book we know that no matter how bad things may look, the Kingdom of God will rule and reign in the end. Let God’s Word be the last Word in your life, in this country and in the world.

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Circumstances of Life Don’t Dictate My Degree of Passion

Circumstances of life are a mute point. They are a non-issue. They don’t cancel out or nullify what God’s Word has to say about a situation. My passion about life and the things God created me to be should not be hindered or hampered by the circumstances of life. When the things I battle against in life loom larger than the passion I have for becoming who God created me to be, the doors to depression, anxiety, and hopelessness fly open.

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Obedience and Trust

Obedience and trust work hand in hand with one another. You could say obedience is a display of trust. It says that regardless of if I understand and/or agree with what is being said, I’m going to humble myself and trust what’s being said by being obedient to what is being said. Obedience is the action side of faith. The bible says “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). But there will be no works without obedience to instruction. Instruction and direction that comes from God’s Word.

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Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart from anything that did not originate with the Spirit of God. Whatever you allow to take up residence in your spirit is what you’re going to become. So what voice are you listening too? Are you listening to the voice of your problem more than you’re listening to God’s Word about your problem? What you expose yourself to the most will grow and become a fortress. Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life…Proverbs 4:23.

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Belief and Unbelief

Belief and unbelief can be seen at the same time. When I declare what I believe, simultaneously I’m telling the world what I don’t believe. If I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I’m also saying that I don’t believe ******* is my Savior (you fill in the blank). Likewise, when I walk in fear, doubt and unbelief I’m saying that I don’t believe (at least not completely) what God’s Word has to say about my situation. It’s impossible to live in a vacuum. It’s also impossible to believe nothing. We all live on the spectrum. There’s belief and unbelief at opposing ends and every point in between.

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Trails and Difficulties…The Spiritual Defensive Backs to Your Faith

Trails and difficulties in life are sent to dislodge you from your faith in God and in His Word. In football, a defensive back has two responsibilities (1) – to prevent the receiver from catching the football. If he can’t do that (2) – to dislodge the football after the receiver catches it. Your enemy’s goal was to prevent you from hearing God’s Word. However, now that you’ve heard it (caught the ball), his job is to dislodge you from the Word. He does this through the trials and difficulties of life. Don’t fumble the ball. Hold on to God’s Word until you experience the victory that is yours in Christ.

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The Word of God is Life

The Word of God is life (John 6:63). It is living and active (Hebrews 4:12) and, when revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, has dynamic power to impart spiritual life to us. If you’ve been a student of God’s Word for any length of time you can attest to how it speaks to your heart. The Word of God is life to those who find it and health to all their flesh (Proverbs 4:22). It ministers to your spirit. It reveals itself to you differently each time you pick it up. It has the abilities to solve all the issues facing mankind. It is the Book of Wisdom and Life. Meditation in it will teach you how to deal wisely in the affairs of life.

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The Word of the Lord Attracts Opposition

The Word of the Lord draws attention to itself. Partly because of it’s power and partly because the forces of darkness hate it so much. Don’t be alarmed nor dismayed when God’s Word spoken from your mouth creates chaos in your life. There would be something wrong if chaos didn’t ensue. The world will hate you just like it hated Jesus when He was here. We are not of this world. Speak the Word and expect power and opposition. Then use the power in the Word to overcome the opposition.

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The Source of Anxiety

The source of anxiety is stepping from a solid platform onto an unstable, unknown or untrusted platform. For the Christian, our solid platform is God’s Word. Nothing in the Universe is as sound, reliable or dependable as the Word of God. So again, for the Christian, why would there ever be a temptation to leave that which is substantial and migrate over to that which isn’t? If you want to eliminate anxiety, fear and instability in your life, step back over onto God’s Word. Is there really another viable option? 

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God’s Word Is Life

God’s Word is life. It’s the source of all life. There is no life outside of God’s Word. He spoke His Word in the beginning and the lives that we now live have been perpetuated down through the years. A Spirit being created a body out of the dust of the earth. Then He breathed life into that dust body and man became a living being. He is the reason we woke up this morning, not our alarm clocks. Try this. Take your alarm clock down to the County Morgue. Set it to go off then tell me how many of those corpses wake up?

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Seeking Jesus

Seeking Jesus and becoming more like Him is a never-ending, life long pursuit. The things of God aren’t just plopped down in our laps. If we want to be “disciples indeed“, the truths revealed in God’s Word must be pursued. Countess times in scripture we see verses that talk about the benefits of seeking after God. Victorious Christian living is not the default result of being born again. If we want to see the hand of God move mightily in our lives, the ways of God and the blessing He has stored up for us must be mined daily.

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