Stranded Alone on an Island…..with Jesus

Stranded alone on an island paints an immediate picture of a castaway. An emaciated soul. One who is destitute and desperately trying to survive long enough to be rescued.

Spiritually speaking, many of us feel like we’re stranded alone in life. I believe we cross paths with plenty of people on a daily basis who feel they are stranded alone in life while surrounded by hundreds of people.

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The Spiritual Loner

Years ago during the first days of my walk with the Lord, I spent hours upon hours soaking up God’s Word. My appetite for the Word was insatiable. I remember talking to a co-worker who was experiencing several physical challenges. Being the eager new Christian believer that I was, I offered to lay hands on him and pray, according to Mark 16:17-18. In my mind, we had all the elements necessary to knock this guys’ physical challenges on their ear. Mark 16:17-18 says, “These signs shall follow they that believe….I was a believer. They shall lay hands on the sick…..he was sick and I had hands. And the result was…the sick shall be healed.

[pullquote]Will you dare to be the one who is determined to stand on God’s Word until you see the Glory of God reveal itself in your circumstances? [/pullquote]

I couldn’t wait to lay my hands on this brother in Christ and see the glory of God manifested in his body. Then I heard brakes screeching in my ears louder than any I’d ever heard before when he said, Oh, we don’t believe in that”. I remember standing there dumbfounded as he walked away. Mentally (and spiritually) I was left scratching my head. I didn’t know what in the world to think. Did he have a different bible than I had? Did I somehow misunderstand what the scriptures were saying to me? Was he really a Christian? Was I really a Christian?

He said “we” don’t believe in that. Was he saying that no one in his church believed that God still heals today? Does that mean that I’m not in the right church? I left that encounter with a myriad of questions whirling around in my head.

That day, was the day I came to understand that I was living on an island. But more importantly, I made the quality decision to remain on that island until Jesus comes to rescue me. By “rescue”, I mean change my way of thinking. I’ve told Him quite frankly that I’m open to correction. And until He corrects my way of thinking, I’m going to take Him at His Word and simply believe what He says.

Living Alone on an Island….with Jesus

I’m writing this post in October of 2020. We’re in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. This pandemic has forced us to distance ourselves from one another. We can’t gather in large numbers. We’ve been prohibited from attending outings such as concerts, sporting events, movie theaters, and even church services. Events where large gatherings were previously scheduled to occur have been takin off the calendar.

Some people are experiencing huge issues with not being able to spend time with family and friends. We as social beings are being severely compromised. But with that being said, I’d like to ask you…Is Jesus enough in your life? Can Jesus provide enough comfort for you during your time of isolation? Does Jesus provide enough companionship for you during the course of your day? Can your fellowship with Jesus be your sustenance when your circle of friends has been removed? Are you feeling unsettled because you can’t go to a physical building to worship God? The pandemic has placed you on an island. And on that island with you is God almighty. Is God alone enough, or do you need something more?

My friends, God alone is enough for any and all seasons. No person, place, or thing in our horizontal relationships can sustain or satisfy us more than our vertical relationship with Jesus Christ. Our God is all-encompassing. He is everything we could ever need. We as mere humans don’t have the capacity to understand all that He is. The key to our fulfillment is asking Him to quench whatever thirst we may be experiencing at any given moment.

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Your Spiritual Island

When it comes to spiritual matters, if you’re standing on a spiritual island among those who may not believe the whole counsel of God, is God’s Word enough for you? Are you willing to remain on that spiritual island, alone believing what God has said in His Word regardless of what you see or don’t see around you? What if you can’t find anyone to agree with you? Are you willing to stand until you see the glory of God manifest in your situation?

Are You Touching Him?

I believe that Jesus has an inner circle. He had an inner circle when He was here on the earth physically, and I believe that He still has an inner circle of believers. This inner circle is not exclusive. Anyone can be a part of Jesus’ inner circle. The deciding factor on whether you become a part of His inner circle is the extent to which you are willing to believe His Word.

I’d like to warn you as I indeed encourage you. Many will try to discourage the believer who is determined to stand on God’s Word regardless of the circumstances. Unfortunately, you will suffer more attempts to discourage you from those within the Body of Christ than you will from those who don’t know Christ.

In your Walk with Christ be strong in the Lord. In Mark 5:24-34 many people followed Jesus. Many people thronged (brushed up against) Him. But only one person touched Him.

Will you dare to be the one who is determined to stand on God’s Word until you see the Glory of God reveal itself in your circumstances? Are you willing to be the one who touches Him?