Sharing Jesus – Leaving a Legacy to Those We Leave Behind

Sharing Jesus with others is something we are commanded to do. We as Christians affect the lives of those around us simply by our presence.

Salvation Provided Through Christ

Through His death on the cross, Jesus set salvation into motion. His death on the cross and His extreme sacrifice for humanity is still being preached around the world today. Because of the legacy of Jesus, people around the world are being born into the kingdom of God every hour of every day.

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How Will You Be Remembered?

[pullquote]Sharing Jesus is sharing His nature. Showing others the nature of His character. Sharing a warm smile. It’s encouraging someone who may be having a rough day.[/pullquote]

Have you ever considered what legacy (if any) you will leave when you’re gone for those you leave behind? It’s wonderful to share the Gospel with people in the here and now, but will your influence for Christ end when you die? I’ve always admired Christian companies like In-and-Out, with their scripture verses underneath each cup, and Chik-fil-A, with their principles of closing their stores on Sunday. Think about the statement to the world these companies have set in motion that points present and future generations to Christ.

Never before have I thought about ways in which I could affect the Kingdom of God and impact the lives of others by pointing them to Jesus after I’m gone until now. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey…the list goes on and on. These individuals will be talked about and remembered forever for the accomplishments they made during their lives. What will you leave behind for others to remember you by?

Leaving a Mark That Cannot Be Erased

When I think back to a man who influenced my life named Samuel Price, I think of a kind man. I think of a family man. I think of a man who was willing to be truthful with me by pointing out things that I was doing that did not glorify God. But what I remember most about Mr. Price is that he was the one who impacted my life the most by sharing Jesus with me. A part of Mr. Price’s legacy will be the people whose lives (including mine) he affected by sharing Jesus with them.

Sharing Jesus Bit By Bit

Some believe that sharing Jesus means a full-blown salvation message preached to people, (whether they want to hear it at the time or not). Although a large part of sharing the good news of Jesus is sharing the salvation message with others, there are many other ways your life can point to Jesus. Sharing Jesus is sharing His nature. Showing others the nature of His character. Sharing a warm smile. Encouraging someone who may be having a rough day. Being a sounding board and supplying an attentive ear, and loving on someone who could use a friend are all characteristics of the personality of Jesus. This is by no means an all-inclusive list. Sharing Jesus is sharing His love with others. These random acts of kindness create bookmarks in the lives of the recipients that collectively, with the bookmarks left by others over time, could eventually lead to the ultimate goal of acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives.

Christian bloggers work on the legacy they will leave behind daily. When I started the FaithsMessenger.Com blog I didn’t set out with the intention of starting a work that will last forever. I just wanted to share the simplicity of the gospel with Christians who were hungry for ways to apply God’s Word to their lives in a practical way. When someone subscribes to my email list, they will automatically receive one devotional blog message per week. As God has increased my readership and the mailing list began to grow, I came to the realization that even after I’m gone (not that I’m planning to leave anytime soon), my subscribers will receive one blog message per week for the next 6 years! I count it a joy to be able to leave a legacy of sharing Jesus with those who may stumble upon this blog long after I’m enjoying heaven’s wonders.

By far, the one person whose life impacted the world the most was Jesus. He left a legacy that has impacted your life and mine. His legacy will live until the end of time. What will you leave behind in the hearts and minds of those who will remember you?

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