Setting Your Mind on Things Above

Setting your mind on the things of God is imperative if you want to walk in faith and not be moved by the circumstances of life.

Dessert Always Follows the Veggies

I HATE to work out. For me working out is drudgery, but I love the results of working out. There is nothing like the feeling of completing a good workout. It’s just getting to the end of the workout that has always been challenging for me. My current workout regiment includes running up Esperanza hill and back down which is roughly a 1.5-mile round trip. Esperanza is three-quarters of a mile of pure uphill hell which stands at an approximate 45-degree angle.

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[pullquote]Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Keep your mind illuminated with God’s Word and not on the darkness that your problems represent. [/pullquote]

Even though I hate working out, I’ve always been an athlete and I’ve always been in reasonably good shape. For me, my mind is my biggest enemy when it comes to my workouts. I’ve discovered that by setting my mind on something other than my workout, I can complete the workout in no time at all. Setting my mind on a business course or a book on tape or even upbeat music with my MP3 player makes all the difference in the world when it comes to my workouts. In fact, I’ve gotten to the point where I won’t even attempt to workout if I don’t have my MP3 mental distractor. Without setting my mind on something other than the physical activity, my workout is doomed.

Setting Your Mind on God’s Word

The same is true where the challenges of life that we all face are concerned. Trials, tribulations, and test have their way of mentally drawing us away from where our attention should be, which is on God and His Word regarding our situations. Setting your mind on the things above and not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:2) shuts out the distractions that will cause our problems to look larger than they actually are. Setting your mind on God’s Word causes your problem to shrink in size and will usher you into the peace of God which passes all understanding.

If you’re being challenged right now with problems whether financial, physical, or family problems I encourage you to find scriptures that deal with your particular situation. Meditate on God’s Word regarding your challenge. Set your mind on what God has to say about your problem. When your mind drifts and when worry attempts to creep in, intentionally direct your mind back to God’s Word.

Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Keep your mind illuminated with God’s Word and not on the darkness that your problems represent. By setting your mind on things above, the time will soon come when your problem is behind you instead of in front of you and you’ll have an overcoming testimony to share with others.

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