Resilience: Greater Is He That Is In Me Than He That Is In The World


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Resilience should be the hallmark of the Christian. The bible says that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4). We as the Body of Christ…we as Christians are commanded to go out into all the world and make disciples of the lost. We are commanded to go out into all the world and preach the gospel. In order to carry out these orders, we’re going to have to go out into hostile territory. The bible says that we are in the world, but we’re not of the world. This world is not our home.

In this world we’re going to see ungodly things. We’re going to hear some ungodly things. But because of our resilience, we don’t have to be tainted or disheartened by the nastiness of this world. If we continue in His Word, which is our strength, we will overcome the world and anything we may be exposed to in the world.

Proverbs 4:23 says to guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life. Some believe that every word affects us ether positively or negatively. Every word either builds us up or tears us down. And we must guard our hearts from any evil word or thought. Likewise we should refrain from any evil environment that would cause our hearts to be affected negatively.

I believe that we are fully equipped in Christ Jesus to “go out into all the world” without being affected by the world, if we continue in close, daily communion with God.

Resilience By The Grace Of God

We must find out what we’ve been graced to do in this life. How did God create you. Where has He given you the grace to be an effective member of the Body of Christ. We as Christians are to infiltrate every corner of this globe. This entails going into some not so Godly areas and interacting with some not-so-Godly people.

Sometimes Christians take areas where they have no grace and are prone to fall prey to sin and attempt to apply those areas to the Body of Christ as a whole. This is a mistake. Your areas of temptation are different than my areas of temptation.

God’s relationship with us is unique and individual. He deals with us, His children on an individual basis. Likewise, the grace He gives you to move through this life is different than the grace He has given me to move through this life. Don’t fall under guilt and condemnation by someone who tells you that you can’t do this, and you can do that and you can’t go here or there as a Christian simply because they haven’t been given the grace to do those same things.

Salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all. The process of becoming a Christian isn’t complicated at all. If you’re ready to fill the spiritual void in your life watch the video “What must I do to be Saved?”

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