Characteristics of a Good Church: Offering Salvation

offering salvationOffering salvation to the lost should be the number one function of every ministry. Everything else is secondary to saving the lost. Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior is foundational. It’s the door that every Christian enters through.

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Put yourself in the position of someone who is lost. You stumble into church at your lowest point in life. You say to yourself “I want to accept Jesus as my lord and savior”. So you sit through the service. You hear the songs. You hear the message. And at the end of the message, the leader stands and says “thanks for coming, I’ll see you next week” with no invitation. No alter call. No interest if there’s anyone there who is seeking a relationship with Christ. How would you feel? Personally I would be dumbfounded, I’d probably sit there asking myself, “what do I do now”. “Where do I go”.

Offering Salvation to the Lost is Paramount

It’s unfortunate but this scenario is played out in churches weekly. The lost aren’t being ministered to. If you’re contemplating planting your family in a church that does not at minimum offer salvation to the lost who may be in attendance, you may want to question what the purpose of that particular church is.

What are your thoughts? In your opinion, what are the strongest characteristics of a good church? Take the survey at: 


Salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all. The process of becoming a Christian isn’t complicated at all. If you’re ready to fill the spiritual void in your life watch the video “What must I do to be Saved?”

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