Jesus is the Reason ….Yes, Even in This Halloween Season…

Jesus is the reason for the season is a popular holiday saying related to Christmas. I agree with the saying. But I believe that Jesus is the reason for every season.

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Sharing Jesus in the Marketplace

I run one of the largest Christian oriented Pinterest boards online with almost half a million pins and over 6000 board contributors (not bragging. I’ll tell you why I’m giving my board stats in a moment).

[pullquote]As Christ followers, we are called to be fishers of men. We are to put Christ on display in our lives to such an extent that those who see our lifestyles would be attracted to Him and desire to have what we have in Christ.[/pullquote]

One of my boards, The Christian Marketplace is geared toward helping Christian online merchants sell their wares online. On this board, my board contributors can create their own sections and advertise their own online shops and merchandise.

Every year about this time, a section related to Halloween pops up among the many other sections of boards in the Christian Marketplace. And immediately, like clockwork I’ll get a message from a well meaning Christian requesting that I delete this section of my board because as Christians, we shouldn’t celebrate Halloween.

Usually the Halloween section of my boards contain just a few arts and crafts like crocheted pumpkins, a witches hat, or a few Halloween related stickers for the kids.

As Christians, by segregating ourselves from the masses over something as inconsequential as Halloween, I’m wondering if we’re missing out on a ministry opportunity?

Halloween on Steroids

jesus is the reason

I’ve never been a big Halloween person. However in the area I live in Halloween is a HUGE DEAL. I’m talking street closures, live bands, bounce houses, popcorn machines, haunted house contests and thousands upon thousands of people taking to the streets in somewhat of a street festival setting. To say that they go over the top here for Halloween would be an understatement.

I’ve never taken the time to research the origin of Oct, 31st or its meaning. Its just not that big of a deal to me. I’ve never seen the connection between handing out tricks or treats to children who dawn colorful masks and costumes as being something satanic. However I acknowledge that there are some Christians who are well versed in this celebration and are totally and completely against it.

But if I can be a representation of Christ in an environment where conversation can be sparked about Him, why would I eliminate the possibility of this occurring during Halloween? In what towns, environments, or segments of society did Jesus refuse to go into because they participated in Pagan rituals?

And if I can play host to an online environment which contains hundreds of thousands of Christian oriented quotes and sayings, along with a small, temporary section that contains Halloween related pins why would I remove that which has the potential to draw people into the Christian environment?

Matthew 4:18-19 – The First Disciples

18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 19 “Come, follow Me, Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men. 20 And at once they left their nets and followed Him.…

As Christ followers, we are called to be fishers of men. We are to put Christ on display in our lives to such an extent that those who see our lifestyles would be attracted to Him and desire to have what we have in Christ.

However, if we segregate ourselves from those who may not know Him, how will they see the light of our lives and glorify our Father in heaven, as Matthew 5:16 says?

Jesus Is The Reason We’re Different

I believe that we’re living in an awesome time period. I believe we’re living in the greatest time ever for the church. The world is hurting right now. They’re looking for answers. They’re facing furloughs, loss of wages, and separation from others because of the virus. Suicide rates are skyrocketing. Divorce rates are increasing. They’re losing loved ones under the most trying of circumstances. Stress levels are rising around us. Our government and its leaders are a dumpster fire. The way of life for people worldwide has drastically changed because of the situation we find ourselves in currently.

At no other time in my lifetime have we as the church had the opportunity to amplify the saying “Jesus is the reason for the season” than right now. Its a season of hope. It’s a season of love. It’s a season to make a difference. That is, if we’re spiritual enough to cease the opportunity that’s right in front of us.

  • Jesus is the reason why victory in every area of life is ours (John 16:33)
  • Jesus is the reason why our families are protected from the virus (Psalm 91:10)
  • Jesus is the reason why our families are provided for financially and in every other way (Philippians 4:19)
  • Jesus is the reason why we can experience peace, even in the midst of a world pandemic, that boggles the minds of those who don’t know Christ (Philippians 4:7)
  • Jesus is the reason why we can rise with each day and experience pure joy. Not only that, but we can actually lean on that joy and be strengthened no matter what the difficulties of the day hold (Nehemiah 8:10)

Jesus is the reason why the beacon of our light can shine brighter each day as the world grows darker and darker.

We’re in the Home Stretch

jesus is the reason

God gives me many life analogies throughout the course of the day. As I sit here writing this the one that comes to mind is of an Olympic sprinter entering the last ¼ of his or her race. It’s the portion of the race where the “kick” is kicking in.

We’re pulling away from our opponent. The crowd is cheering as we’re putting distance between us and them. The “them” in this analogy is Satan, darkness, the spirit of division, evil and all those that represent his world.

He’s throwing everything at us but the kitchen sink. Yet in Christ, we’re winning (1 John 4:4). Our light is getting brighter. We are the ones with the answers to the issues of life. The worst things get in the world, the more apparent it is that in Christ, we hold the key to life.

So in the grand scheme of things, a Halloween Pinterest board may not matter all that much. But I think I’ll make the choice to be a fisher of men at a time when the lake is teaming with starving fish.

As skilled fishermen, let’s use whatever we can…including what some see as a pagan holiday, to lure in fish using whatever tool Jesus has given you to show the world that yes, Jesus is the reason for all seasons. Blog Posts