God Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You

God will never leave you nor forsake you regardless of where you may be currently in life. There is nothing you can do to separate yourself from the love of God. God is that friend that sticks closer to us than a brother.

[pullquote]Take comfort in knowing that God will never leave you nor forsake you. He’s in it for the long haul. The Lord is with you. In you. And holding you up right now. Whether you feel like it or not. Trust in Him. He won’t let you down.[/pullquote]

Personalized Coffee Mug Giveaway faith

Sometimes the world can be a dark place. The pressures of life can cause stress to build in our lives. The worries and cares of this world can mount up against us. And in those times, even the most dedicated Christian can look to the skies and utter the words, “God, where are you?”.

But I’d like to encourage you that God didn’t move. He’s just as close to you as He was in the good times. The reason why we feel distanced from God when we go through trials, tests, and tribulations is that subconsciously, we believe that if God were here, we wouldn’t be going through tough times. Thus the question, “God, where are you?”

The Entrance of His Word Brought Light

While studying Psalms 37:23-24 last week I saw something that I had never seen before. Psalms 37:23-24 says,

v23 The steps of a good man are ordered (established) by the Lord, And He delights in his way. v24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

Okay, let’s break down these verses…

v23 The steps of a good man are ordered (established) by the Lord. And He delights in his way.

  • Although the term “good man” can be left open for interpretation, I’m considering a good man to be a Christian. A child of God. Not necessarily a perfect man, but a man who has humbled himself under God’s Word. I consider myself to be a good man. And if you’re a Christian, so should you.
  • According to the scripture, the good man’s steps are ordered, established (or ordained if you will) by God. Thank you Lord!
  • And because I’m a good man and because my steps are ordered of the Lord, God delights in the direction I’m going in.

v24 Though he fall……wait a minute. Though he fall? How could that be? How could that verse fit in here? How can a good man, whose steps are ordered (established) or ordained by the Lord. A man whose direction the Lord delights in possibly fall?

Where Did I Go Wrong Lord?

When we go through different temptations trials and tests, we can be tempted to think that we’re out of the will of God. We can be tempted to think that somehow we made a mistake and screwed things up.

However, if I’m interpreting Psalms 37:23-24 correctly, we can fall even though we’re alright in the sight of God. I would even go out on a limb and say that falling is inevitable. But as we see in verse 24 we are comforted in knowing that no matter how hard we fall, God will never utterly cast us down. As was said earlier, nothing that you can do will ever separate you from the love of your heavenly Father.

The Prerequisites of Life

My wife works at one of the major colleges here in Southern California. One of her many duties is scheduling classes for the students. Although a student may be going for a degree in a certain discipline, there are prerequisites that must be taken and passed before the student can enroll in classes specific to his or her major field of study.

I believe that life has the same sort of prerequisites. Courses of study must be passed. Experiences must be had. Lessons, both natural and spiritual, must be learned in order for growth to take place.

As we travel along the path that God has for us, we will fail some prerequisite courses. And when we fail, we can have confidence that we can take the course again, and that we have the capability of passing the course. If we couldn’t pass the course, God would never have enrolled us in it.

God Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You.….Even WHEN You Fall

Falling in life is inevitable. In Matthew 14:28-32 we find that Peter walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous he feared and cried out “Lord, save me”. And Jesus reach out His hand and caught him.

We find in these scriptures that Peter fell. And like Peter we will fall when faced with certain circumstances of life. And just like with Peter, the Lord will be right there to catch us when we fall. How do I know? According to verse 24…For the Lord upholds him (the good man) with His hand.

Take comfort in knowing that God will never leave you nor forsake you. He’s in it for the long haul. The Lord is with you. In you. And holding you up right now. Whether you feel like it or not. Trust in Him. He won’t let you down.

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