Father Daughter Relationships – Don’t Make This Mistake

Father daughter relationshipsFather daughter relationships should mimic the relationship a girl will develop with our heavenly Father. A daughter needs to depend on her father.

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A daughter needs to be able to place absolute trust in her father. Having made many mistakes as a parent, I can say hindsight is 20/20 in this area.

A father’s word should be golden. His word should be his bond. His daughter should be able to depend entirely upon every word that comes out of his mouth.

Fathers, when you purposely embarrass your daughter. When you purposely make statements that aren’t true to your daughter. When you purposely cause doubt of any kind in the mind of your daughter, you could be setting her up to doubt the validity of the heavenly Father as well.

Your jokes may be innocent to an adult. But to a child who places absolute trust in your words, your jokes could be doing irreparable harm. The relationships I have with my daughters is great now, but looking back on how I raised them, I could have done things differently. I could have made trusting God so much easier for them, had I avoided this one mistake. An innocent mistake that fun-loving fathers are committing daily. Watch the video “Father Daughter Relationships: Don’t Make This Mistake – Hindsight is 20/20”.


Salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all. The process of becoming a Christian isn’t complicated at all. If you’re ready to fill the spiritual void in your life watch the video “What must I do to be Saved?” https://youtu.be/D3A0rsqZXkM

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