Death: Keeping Things in Proper Perspective

Death and the feelings of grief that come with death can be emotionally draining. There have been countless situations where a spouse never fully recovers from the death of a partner, particularly if the pair had been married for a long time. Then there is the pain that comes from the death of a child. It’s been said that it’s not natural for a parent to bury a child.

I’ve never had to endure the death a spouse or a child so I thank God that I’ve been spared the anguish that no doubt comes from such losses. There is no correct way to grieve. Each of us are different in the way we suffer through the death of a loved one.

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A Celebration in Death

Just a few weeks ago while walking through our neighborhood, my wife and I happened upon what we thought was a dinner party. There was nice jazz music playing as nicely dressed couples arrived at the upscale home. There was an open BBQ pit, and guests walking around the yard laughing while drinking cocktails. The one thing that was conspicuous was that everyone in attendance was wearing black.

[pullquote]Death and the feelings of grief that come with death can be emotionally draining. There have been countless situations where a spouse never fully recovers from the death of a partner. [/pullquote]

We found out that someone in the family had died and what we were observing was the family and friends of the deceased gathering at the house after the funeral. My wife and I commented that if indeed we were seeing the aftermath of a funeral, this was definitely the kind of atmosphere we wanted when either of us died.

To date, I’ve lost my grandmother and both my parents. I can’t say that I was emotionally distraught when any of them died. I suppose I have a little different way of looking at death than most.

A New Job Assignment

Suppose you and your loved one worked for the same company. After working for this company for many years, your loved one received a transfer to a branch of the same company in Taiwan. The transfer may have been the result of a plan that had been in the works for some time, or it may have been out of the blue. In any case, your loved was has been transferred. But the transfer doesn’t bother you too much because you know that your transfer to the same facility in Taiwan is processing through H/R as we speak. You already know that within a short time, you will be transferred and you and your loved one will be working together again very soon.

If this transfer scenario above were true, wouldn’t you think it a little strange for the remaining co-worker to fall on the floor, breakdown into tears, and deal with a cloud of depression over their loved one being transferred to the very facility they wanted to be transferred to?

Wouldn’t it be a little odd to react this way knowing that your own transfer to the facility in Taiwan is in the works and you will be working side by side again with your loved one in just a matter of time? Death is merely a separation of the spirit and soul from the body. When we die (if we are Christians), our spirit is immediately in the presence of the Lord, which is a good thing. It’s also a good thing that the dearly departed is filled with joy that you or I cannot fathom.

Joy Unspeakable

It may sound a little cold, but your loved one isn’t torn up about not being here with you anymore. So why are we so torn up because our loved one is in the presence of the Lord, experiencing life on such a grand scale? Add to that the fact that our assignment here is almost done and we will be reunited with them in a place that’s unimaginable in its grandeur?

Life here on earth is very short. Death for the Christian should be a time of celebration, not sorrow. There is absolutely nothing to be sorrowful about in my opinion. If there is anything at all to be sorrowful about, it’s that you were left here still waiting for your transfer to come through.

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