Characteristics of a Good Church: Transparency From Our Church Leaders

Transparency From Our Church LeadersTransparency from our church leaders is not optional. Transparency from our church leaders, or the lack of it can make or break a church. I believe that we as parishioners inadvertently place our leaders on pedestals that they should not be placed on. If we never hear about any shortcomings, blunders, or challenges that our church leaders are experiencing we won’t be able to identify with them.

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It endears church leaders to the congregants when they share with us their mess ups, shortcomings and challenges. If you as a leader come to your congregants with testimonies of the great things that God has done in your life but are reluctant to share the areas where you’re challenged, you’re out of balance. You’ll lose credibility. You become unrelatable and your parishioners won’t be able to identify with you. Why? Because all you share is the good and not the bad.

Transparency From Our Church Leaders Helps Us To Identify With Them

We’re all subject to the same faults and the same blessings. Share all of it or share none of it. There has to be transparency from our church leaders and that transparency will go a long way towards endearing our leaders to the congregants in the church. If you’re contemplating joining a church, be sure to join a church where the leadership is willing to be transparent and make themselves vulnerable to the congregants.

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