Characteristics of a Good Church: Church Should Be A Refuge In A Time Of Need

Church Should Be A RefugeChurch should be a refuge when things in life go wrong. I thank God for all the social services our government provides. Many of us would have been in out on the streets without them. However, I believe that the church should stand head and shoulders above anything that the world has to offer. Your church should be a haven of refuge in a time of need. Particularly if you’re attending a church with thousands of members.

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If you’ve lost your job, there should be available resources to connect you with members within your congregation to help you find another. If you have an appliance that breaks down, there should be some sort of broadcast to the congregation concerning your need.

There may be someone right in your congregation that God can use to meet your need. Sometimes the answers to our problems are sitting right next to us. We are a community. We should be able to minister to the needs of one another.

Think of the app Nextdoor. This is the kind of community resource we need right inside the church. A resource that can connect church members together with other church members who may be in need.

The world will gouge you when you’re at your lowest point. For instance, if you have a pet that’s ill and take it to the Veterinarian. The prices for service most of the time will be through the roof. Why? Because they know that most people are emotionally attached to their pets and will pay whatever it costs to get them well. Think of funeral costs. All of us are most vulnerable when we lose a loved one. So, the world will take advantage of this and charge exorbitant fees.

Church Should Be A Refuge In A Time Of Need

What a blessing it would be to have a Christian Veterinarian in your church who would have compassion on you and discount the services provided as opposed to price gouging. How great would it be to have Christian’s in your church who would offer discounts to it’s member in their time of need.

I personally know of a church that doesn’t charge any fees to it’s members for funeral services. That’s what being a haven of refuge in a time of need looks like.

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