Simple Reminders

Wait on the Lord

Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! (Psalm 27:14). Many times we set out on a journey of faith. A journey established in prayer. And since we don’t have a definitive time frame when it comes to waiting on the Lord, we can become fatigued, complacent, and less-intense the longer we wait. We can easily and unconsciously develop a passive “I’ve done my part, now I’m waiting on you” mentally. Avoid this trap. Maintain the same level of intensity you set out on your journey of faith with. Gain strength as you wait, knowing that the Lord is good to those who wait for Him (Lamentations 3:25).  

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Sinner Saved By Grace?

Sinner saved by grace is a phrase I’ve heard my brothers and sisters in Christ describe themselves as. And quite frankly I’ve never understood it. It’s like describing yourself as being clothed and naked at the same time. Someone who was once a sinner, but who has been saved by grace is no longer a sinner. Once born again the bible calls us the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). So if you’re a sinner, I would encourage you to join the family of God! Become a new creature in Christ Jesus (Romans 10:9-10). If you’re a Christian, identify yourself with Christ and understand that it’s impossible to be a sinner saved by grace.

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Judgement Belongs to God

Judgement belongs to God…and I thank God for that! So many times I’ve gotten it wrong. I’ve seen acts and heard words and based upon wrong information, I’ve judged people wrongly. And for those times I repent. The fact of the matter is no one knows the heart of a man but God. Therefore, no one has the right to judge others but God. So I’ve learned to stay in my lane. I’m content to let God be God. He’s a lot better at it than I am.

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Conditional Faith

Conditional faith is faith based on circumstances. It’s faith based on the outcome or the result of something. Many times we see our brothers and sisters in Christ fall away from the things of God when a loved one is lost in a way that doesn’t make sense to us. When we have no answers to why things happen the way they many times do, it’s easy to lose hope and fall away from the faith. However the greatest opportunity to exercise our faith and trust in God is when we don’t understand the “whys” of life. Be encouraged. Trust that there is a bigger picture that you can’t see. Trust that there is a “why”. And knowing why is not your right. At least not right now.

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Becoming Christlike in our Spiritual Journey

Becoming Christlike in our spiritual journey requires us to set our hearts on things above, not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:2). The bible tells us that Christ came and gave us an example in that we should follow in His steps (1 Peter 2:21). Following an example that is less than the one Christ left us, in any area of life, is to follow an example that will yield results that are less than Christlike. If we have a mentor who showed us how to overcome, why would we strive to follow a lessor example?

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Blessings Can Become Curses

Blessings can become curses if they take your attention off of God. Times of trial can cause us to focus our attention on God as our Savior, Redeemer, and Rescuer. However, once we’re on the over side of our problem, the intense desire to seek God can subside. Don’t allow that to happen. How would you feel if your children only came around when they had a need? Let the light of your desire to get close to God burn continually, whether in crisis or not. You’ll soon find that your trials will shrink in size and in frequency.

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Jesus is our Rock

Jesus is our rock. He’s our solid foundation. He is immoveable. Standing on what He said makes us just as immoveable. It doesn’t matter how things may look in our lives. We’re not to be moved by what we see. The enemy presides over the realm of the senses. We’re commanded to walk in the Spirit. So what are you standing on today? Are you shaking, quaking and rocking? It could be because you’re not standing on rock. Sand shakes. Gravel is unstable. A marsh is soft and porous. However the Word of the Lord will stand forever.

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Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart from anything that did not originate with the Spirit of God. Whatever you allow to take up residence in your spirit is what you’re going to become. So what voice are you listening too? Are you listening to the voice of your problem more than you’re listening to God’s Word about your problem? What you expose yourself to the most will grow and become a fortress. Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life…Proverbs 4:23.

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With the Heart Man Believes Unto….

With the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation…Romans 10:10. The understanding of the greatest theologian is infinitesimal when it comes to comprehending the scriptures. We don’t believe because we understand. We understand because we believe. Many times we step out in faith and act on a Word from God without completely understanding it, and once acted upon, revelation of the Word comes (as they went they were cleansed). Don’t limit what the Spirit of God can do in your life by what you understand. We walk by faith…not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

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Identify Your Strength

Identify your strength and change the world with the gifts God has given you in that area! But exactly how do you identify your strength? You can identify your strength by identifying the area in which you’re under attack the most. It’s vitally important that your enemy, Satan restrict you in the area God has gifted you in. He knows that if you unleash your gift on the world an immeasurable number of lives will be changed. So take stock of your life. Identify the area in which there seems to be a constant challenge and seek the Lord on how to overcome in that area and about how He would have you serve.

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Belief and Unbelief

Belief and unbelief can be seen at the same time. When I declare what I believe, simultaneously I’m telling the world what I don’t believe. If I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I’m also saying that I don’t believe ******* is my Savior (you fill in the blank). Likewise, when I walk in fear, doubt and unbelief I’m saying that I don’t believe (at least not completely) what God’s Word has to say about my situation. It’s impossible to live in a vacuum. It’s also impossible to believe nothing. We all live on the spectrum. There’s belief and unbelief at opposing ends and every point in between.

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Progressing in Life

Progressing in life is a process. The vast majority of people are not where they want to be in life. Many of us thought we would be much farther along in life than where we currently find ourselves. Is that a reason to give up, cave in, and stop progressing? Absolutely not! There are vital ingredients that we needed to pick up along the way to reaching our final destination that were necessary in order to make the culmination of our life’s journey taste delicious! You’re on a God ordained   journey. You’re progressing in life just as planned. Finish well!

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Faith and Trust – The Power Twins

Faith and trust make an amazing duo. Faith is taking the first step toward any given reality. However, sometimes we get hung up on the need to see evidence or proof of something that’s going to hold us up or sustain us prior to taking that first step. That’s where my trust comes into play. My faith moves me. My trust removes my need to see what’s next. Both faith and trust are necessary in order to live the kingdom lifestyle we’ve been born into (Colossians 1:13).

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Seek First The Kingdom

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you…Matthew 6:33. Priorities are important to God. I think sometimes that we can become consumed with the affairs of life and in the process, our priorities can become misplaced. Living life within the context of the will of God, dictates that we seek the kingdom of God first. The kingdom of God is the “government” in which we were born into when we became Christians (Colossians 1:13). It means seeking God’s way of doing things in any given situation. Worry about the future blinds us to the present and the presence of God in our day to day lives.

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Faith Doesn’t Deny Problems

Faith doesn’t deny problems. If a problem didn’t exist there would be nothing for us to exercise our faith on. Problems do exist. There is no “problem free” life. Faith, however overcomes the problems we face with what God says in His Word. Many have misunderstood how faith works, considering it a mind game that Christians play by denying the existence of things that each and every one of us have to face daily. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Faith doesn’t deny, it overcomes.

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Strong in the Lord

Strong in the Lord is something we’re commanded to be. This commandment is just as strong as the 10 commandments or any other commandment of the bible. Notice, Ephesians 6:10  doesn’t say feel strong in the Lord. Nor does it say look strong in the Lord. The verse tells us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. If we could be strong in and of ourselves we would have something to boast about. But when we find our strength in Him, He gets all the glory for the victorious outcome.

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The Prince of Peace is Present

The Prince of Peace is none other than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:5). The world is in a tumultuous state right now. There has never been a better time to introduce the world to the Prince of Peace than right now. I pray that peace consume you. I pray that peace work in, on, around and through you. Let peace permeate the air around you like a sweet perfume everywhere you go from this day forward. And when you’re approached and questioned about your peace…the peace that passes all understanding, don’t hesitate to introduce those in turmoil to the source of your peace.

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The Source of Lies

The Source of Lies is our arch enemy, Satan (John 8:44). We all have an internal voice which speaks to us continuously. It’s vitally important that we learn to identify the source of the voice that we hear within. The bible says that the father of lies was a liar from the beginning. It goes on to say that there is no truth in him. When you identify the source you’re hearing as Satan, immediately dismiss what he’s saying. If the father of lies is speaking to you, he’s lying to you. He’s lying to you about who you are, what you have or what you can do in Christ. He is the source of all lies.

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Blind Faith Is Not Biblical Faith

Blind faith is not biblical faith. True bible faith see’s more clearly than the physical eye can see. Faith comes from hearing from God. And hearing from God comes from meditation in His Word (Romans 10:17). Spending time in God’s Word forms visions of faith so clearly on the inside of us that doing the will of God in any given situation becomes an obvious choice. Those around you won’t be able to see what you see. And because they can’t see what you see they may call it blind faith, but on the inside nothing is more true and clear than the Word that you’ve spend time meditating on.

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It Doesn’t Make Sense

It doesn’t make sense. Never has there been a statement more true. The things of God don’t make sense. They make faith. Faith is foreign to our senses. Therefore when our senses attempt to make sense of something outside of their 5 areas of influence, they can sometimes go belly up on us. To walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7), we must leave the realm of the senses. We’re not moved by what we see. We’re not moved by what we feel. We’re only moved by what we believe. Living the lifestyle of faith means we aren’t ruled by the senses. And yes, it doesn’t make sense.

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