Simple Reminders

Giving Birth to a Dream

Giving birth to the dreams, hopes, and visions that God placed within us takes effort and diligence. Having the faith to hold on to that which you know with all certainty you were placed on earth to do can be exhausting. In the wake of discouragements that come, stand strong in the fact that God is not the source of discouragement nor confusion. He would not give you a dream, hope or vision, then discourage you from working toward the realization of that dream.

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The Definition of Insanity

The definition of insanity should be different for the Christian vs the Non-Christian. If we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28), then what is the true definition of failure? Things may not have worked out as you had planned but if good is the end result could what you went through really be called a failure? I think the definition of failure is starting out on a prayer journey, not seeing the results you want, then giving up, caving it and quitting.

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Insecurity is Security in Something

Insecurity is security, however it’s security in the wrong things. Insecurities may emerge as overeating, isolation, aggression towards others, drug abuse, alcohol abuse or any number of other destructive behaviors. All of us find security in the wrong things from time to time. I’d like to encourage you to find your security in God and in what He has said about you. Only He can provide true security. There is no peace, joy, or comfort in depending on securities from sources outside of the Word of God.

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Who is in Control?

Who is in control of your attitude, your mood, your highs and your lows? Do situations and circumstances tend to get you down? Our emotions change from life event to life event. There’s nothing wrong with emotions….in their place. The problem comes when we allow our emotions to run the show instead of approaching life from a spiritual standpoint. Base your words, actions, thoughts, deeds and beliefs on God’s Word which never changes and you’ll be like that tree firmly rooted… Psalm 1:3

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Self Control Is Our Primary Focus

Self control is where ruling and reigning in life begins. How can I rule and reign over the circumstances in my life if I cannot control myself? We face many temptations throughout the course of a day. Practicing what comes out of our mouths, what goes into our mouths, where I allow my thoughts to go, and treating all people with respect and dignity regardless of who they are is a spiritual discipline that will go far toward building a Christ-like image here in the earth.

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Set Your Mind On Things Above

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:2). We don’t see with our eyes, we see with our minds. That’s why 12 people who see the same accident have 12 different stories describing it. To set something means to focus on something and leave it there. To set a thermostat is to set it on 70 degrees (for instance) and leave it there. What is your mind set on? Setting your mind on God’s Word leads to life and peace (Romans 8:6).

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Cast Your Cares On Him

Cast your cares on the Lord when things begin to stress you out. God has an answer for every problem that plagues society. And more importantly, God has the answer to every problem you’re facing today, therefore we already have the answer! Simply ask Him, then listen and wait for His response. And when you begin to hear Him speak DO WHAT HE TELLS YOU TO DO! Refuse to worry over problems. You have access to the source of the solution to every problem.

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We Go Through Things

We go through things as we live out our lives here on earth. But I challenge you to think of the phrase “Going Through Things” in a different light. We go through challenges like a bullet goes through cardboard. We go through obstacles like an airplane goes through the clouds. We go through hardships like a knife goes through butter. The next time someone tells you that they are going through some things, share this imagery with them. Oh, and as we go through things we also annihilate them by the power of God!

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Never Follow The Masses

Never follow the masses. This is not our home. We live in an anti-Christ society. We as Christians are going in the opposite direction of the flow of this world. Take a look at the things that are important in the world today and look at them through the lens of Christianity and you’ll see that the world view of things is counter to Christian beliefs. Avoid getting caught up in the flow of pop culture. Be wary of the direction that the masses are heading in. If you choose to follow the leader, make sure you know what direction the leader in heading in.

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Scars Are Trophies that Represent Victory

Scars are trophies. They can serve as reminders that you are a battle tested, victorious soldier in the Army of God. In the world, scars, particularly physical scars, are seen as ugly. But I believe that God sees our scars as beautiful. No one can deny that Jesus rose from the grave the victorious Son of God, yet He still carries scars from the crucifixion. We will one day see the nail prints in His hands in person. Likewise, wear your scars proudly. Scars come with testimonies.

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World Overcomers Collect Testimonies

World overcomers is what the bible calls those who are born of God (1 John 5:4). As overcomers, we should be compiling a catalog of testimonies. Something happens in the heart of someone who is currently floundering in a sea of doubt and unbelief when they hear the victorious testimony of someone who persevered and has overcome in an area that they are struggling in. The words of our testimony packs power and summons faith in the lives of those who hear them.

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God Loves You Beyond Your Ability to Comprehend

God loves you. Take a moment to meditate on that. The creator of heaven and earth loves you so much that He wants to spend time with you. He loves you so much that He wants to transform you from the inside out. I don’t think we will fully comprehend the magnitude of His love until we look into His eyes in person. I pray that we receive the Grace to see and understand the width, length, height and depth of love He has towards us who are privileged to call Him our Father.

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Living in the Past Undermines the Grace of God

Living in the past is one of the greatest tools the enemy uses to trip us up. When we’re concentrating on our past mistakes, we’re living under condemnation. Living in the past totally undermines the Grace of God. There is no mistake so big that the Grace of God can’t take care of. Ask God to give you the ability to fully understand the Grace of God that has been extended to you. Once His Grace toward you has been fully understood, acceptance of His Grace and forgiveness of yourself can take place.

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God Said It…..Period!

God said it. Nothing more needs to be said. I understand that we live in a world where thoughts and opinions matter. I also understand that divine justice seems to be alluding us. But make no mistake about it, although the wheels of divine justice grind slowly, justice will prevail. It always has and it always will. God’s Word will be the last Word in our lives, in this county and in this world no matter how bad things may look presently. Whether you believe it or not is a mute point.

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Book Knowledge vs Experiential Knowledge

Book knowledge of God is where we all begin in our relationship with God. But as we study His Word and grow in our knowledge of Him something interesting begins to happen. We begin to experience His love, His presence, and His Lordship over our lives. Knowing God from a purely Theological standpoint is wonderful, but once you move from purely a knowledge standpoint to an experiential standpoint…….once you taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8) on a personal level, your life will never be the same.

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Our Feelings Are Not the Boss of Us

Our feelings are unstable. Feelings change moment to moment. I’m not saying that our feelings and our emotions are bad. God gave them to us to fully experience and appreciate life. However, our feelings and emotions should never be in the drivers seat. They make lousy motorists. We walk by faith and not be sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). In this verse, sight is emblematic of our senses, feelings and emotions. Faith in God and in His Word must take precedence over feelings and emotions in order to be victorious in this life.

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Understanding is Overrated

Understanding is overrated and completely unnecessary for us to use and enjoy most things in life. Think about it for a moment, we drive automobiles, use microwave ovens, wear watches, ride in elevators, and use electricity in varying applications. And unless any of these things are in our area of expertise, most of us have no clue how they work. Understanding of how they work is a mute point. Consider giving God, the creator of the Universe, as much consideration by simply doing what He said….apart from the need to understand.

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Faith Lives in the Unseen Realm

Faith lives in a realm of existence that’s outside of that which can be seen or touched. Faith thrives in a place where the senses cannot roam. So if I am to believe that which my senses are unaware of, there has to be a guide or roadmap to show me what exists beyond my senses. That roadmap is God’s Word. The bible is the substance, the tangibility, the evidence, the proof of the things we cannot see (Hebrews 1:11). Allow it to lead and guide you. Stand on God’s Word, for He shall surely bring it to pass in your life.

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All Things Are Possible

All things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26). If this scripture is true, the opposite would also have to be true….nothing is impossible with God. Think of all the perceived impossibilities we face. Think about all the impossibilities that roll around in our heads on a daily basis. When we see or hear those supposed “impossible” things, how many times do we stop and meditate on the fact that all things are possible with God? In God’s realm of existence, impossible doesn’t exist.

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First Impressions of Jesus

First impressions speak volumes. They can both attract or deflect people. The bible calls us ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). We are His representatives here in the earth. Our quest to win the lost begins long before we open our mouths to utter anything about God. We’re being watched. We’re being judged. We can’t afford to allow anything to taint the image of the one we’ve been sent to represent. Let’s work to create an image of Christ in our physical bodies that speaks exceedingly well of Him.

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