Believe in Something Bigger

Believe in something bigger. Something stronger. Believe in something more reliable. Those are very simple words. On the surface, believing in something bigger seems pretty easy to do. But yet most Christians have difficulty believing in something bigger in the midst of difficult circumstances.

[pullquote]No one has ever stood up and given a testimony saying, “I stayed awake all night worrying about my problem and because of my worry, fear, and anxiety over my situation, God answered my prayer”.[/pullquote]

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I happened to glance over at the California lottery sign while on the way to church last Sunday morning. “Believe in Something Bigger” just happens to be the Powerball slogan that the state has chosen this year. All through the service those 4 words…”Believe in Something Bigger” floated through my mind. In fact, I got very little out of the service last Sunday because of those 4 words bouncing around in my head all morning long.

I thought about all the challenges I’m currently having in life. Then I mentally applied those words to my challenges and in my mind, the challenges dissolved into thin air. I thought about the challenges that I have faced in the past. Challenges and worries that I lost a ton of sleep over in the past. Then in my mind I applied those 4 words and just like the others, the challenges vanished.

There is a peace that comes when you believe in something greater than yourself. Believing in something bigger than your problems gives you a confidence that will allow you to face any challenge in life knowing that the responsibility to solve the problem or to come up with an answer to life’s perplexing questions does not lie with you. Who wouldn’t want a helper with them continuously to lead, guide, and carry life’s heavy burdens?

Believe in Something Greater…

Yet, even though we know that God is with us. Even though we know that He said He would never leave us nor forsake us, we still insist on solving our own problems, and carrying our own burdens. If you need answers in your life. If you need guidance. If you’re under life’s heavy burdens, I encourage you to simply believe in something bigger. We must reconcile ourselves to the fact that we cannot solve our own problems. We will never have all the answers.

When it looks like your child is heading in the wrong direction, believe in something bigger…

When it looks like your marriage is over, believe in something bigger…

When it looks like you’ll never be healed, believe in something bigger…

When it looks like you’ll never find a job, believe in something bigger…

When it looks like you’ll never find a spouse, believe in something bigger…

When it looks like you don’t have the finances you need, believe in something bigger…

No one has ever stood up and given a testimony saying, “I stayed awake all night worrying about my problem and because of my worry, fear, and anxiety over my situation, God answered my prayer”. Find comfort in the fact that we don’t need to be self-sufficient. Take the yoke of Jesus upon you. No problem that you could ever face is too much for Him to bear. Believe in something bigger…

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