Being Willing to Walk Alone In This Life

Being willing to walk alone in this life is a challenge that most Christians undertake without factoring in the cause of such an act. The bible calls us peculiar people. We don’t act the way the world acts. We don’t see things the way the world sees things. Neither do we think about things the way the world thinks about things. Our marching orders have been given to us by God through His Word, the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

When God manifested Himself in the flesh and walked this earth as Jesus Christ, He was different. He thought differently. He acted differently. His differences caused friction. It caused friction even within His own family. The lifestyle that the people around Him had been living for years and years was being turned on it’s ear. This same Jesus lives out His life through us. He’s in us and we’re in Him. As a result of this there may be friction within your own household.

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Being Willing to Walk Alone In This Life Requires Sacrifice

Living this life of faith may cause you to lose some friends. It may put relationships in jeopardy. But you should never consider anything you lose because of living for Christ truly as a loss. Whatever you lose as a result of living for Christ will be multiplied back to you one hundredfold.

If you continue in the faith, you will see the restorative power of the Lord Jesus Christ restore anything that has been subtracted from you as a result of your relationship with Him.


Salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all. The process of becoming a Christian isn’t complicated at all. If you’re ready to fill the spiritual void in your life watch the video “What must I do to be Saved?”

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