The Invisible God Created the Visible

The Invisible God created the natural, physical world. It can be said that invisible things are “more real” than visible things. It takes a while to wrap our heads around this concept because from birth we’re more conscious of physical things than we are of spiritual things. It takes effort to reverse this train of thought and “Walk by Faith” and not by sight as 2 Corinthians 5:7 instructs us to do. Giving the things of God first place in our lives assures us that we can walk through this life fearless and un-phased by the threats posed by our enemy.

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Faith Works When Revelation is Present

Faith works when the Word of God is revealed. For instance, you can’t have faith to be healed of a debilitating illness unless you know that it’s God’s will to heal you of said illness. You can’t have faith to believe for the salvation of a loved one unless you know God’s Will concerning the salvation of the loved one. Faith doesn’t hang on thin air. It has to be attached to something. That “something” is the Word of God that is revealed to your spirit.

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Share the Word by Your Presence

Share the Word of God by sharing the light that is in you. There are many voices out there spewing many words. Some are true and valid, others not so much. What if we were able to boldly impact the world by our silence? The bible says that we are the light of the world. Think about it for a moment. A light doesn’t make noise. A light simply shines. A light cannot go unnoticed. No matter how dark a room becomes, the smallest flicker of light can be seen. Consider closing your mouth and letting your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. 

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Joy of the Lord is Here

Joy of the Lord is here. It doesn’t leave when things go wrong in our lives, then come back when times are good. Joy is here. It’s here whether we feel joyful or not. Resist the temptation to attach joy to a thing, a place, a person or a status of life. Joy is a spiritual force. The bible calls it our strength. So when trying times come, tap into the joy that is within you, regardless of how you feel. Energize yourself by tapping into joy and overcome the circumstances of life with the strength of joy that is within you.

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Questioning God’s Word

Questioning God’s Word begins a journey down a path of destruction. Did God say that? Is that what He really said? Satan uttered those very words in the Garden of Eden to Adam and Eve. If the enemy can get us to doubt and or question the Word of God, he can lead us down a path of deception. Anything outside of the truth of God’s Word is a lie. There is no in between. So when you’re standing on God’s Word and the thought comes to your mind…Hath God said? Scream at the top of your lungs YES!

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Mental Health 101

Mental health is a hot topic in society today. I believe the scriptures give an indication of how to achieve lasting mental heath. Isaiah 26:3 tells us that God will keep us in perfect peace. Can imagine that! To be able not only to experience peace, but perfect peace. But here’s the qualifier. We’ll have to keep our minds on Him. How do we keep our minds in God? By keeping our minds locked in on what He said. Locked in on what He said about the problem or situation that you currently find yourself in. The peace of God in any situation of life is at your disposal.

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Faith Is Belief In Action

Faith is acting on what you believe. In Luke 6:46 Jesus asked the people “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? If you truly believe something, you’ll act on it. James 2:17 tells us that faith without works is dead. Even if you find yourself in a situation where you cannot display some sort of action, you’ll find that what you believe (that which you have faith for) will come out of your mouth through your words.

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Seeds Produce Life

Seeds produce life. Soil is important. Water is necessary. Sunlight is irreplaceable. But if there is no seed, life cannot spring forth. The same is true where God’s Word is concerned. “My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:21-22). When the challenges of life come, remember to nurture the seed of God’s Word. It will become alive in your heart and produce blessing in your life. 

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Run Your Own Race

Run your own race apart from the thoughts and opinions of others. Our Heavenly Father loves us. He sent His Son to redeem us. We are the apple of His eye. What He thinks of us matters. His opinion of us is the only opinion that matters. Our material world is constantly trying to get us to think that what others think of us is of utmost importance. Such beliefs have caused some of us to compile mountains of debt purchasing things we cannot afford in order to fashion a lifestyle for people who, in the end, really don’t care. True freedom is the freedom from the thoughts and opinions of others.

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God Is Our Source – Trust the Source

God is our source….period. Often times when in need we’re “forced” to trust in God and He does the miraculous in our lives. The blessing we prayed for shows up in our lives. Then something equally as amazing happens. We become “blessing blind” and we take the trust we had in God (our source) and begin to trust in the means….the house, the job, the money etc. Be diligent and mindful. Never disconnect from the source. Place your trust in the source of all blessing and leave it there. The source will always supply. The supply cannot be trusted.

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Sacrifice Is Our Way of Life

Sacrifice is a way of life for the Christian. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1 NKJV). We are living sacrifices which simply means that we are to yield our will to the will of God. The bible calls this sacrifice our “reasonable service“. Just as in traffic we yield, or let the other guy go first, our lives should be dedicated to allowing God and His Word to take preeminence in our lives. And as we live for Him in totality, His life is glorified here in the earth through each and every one of us.

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Kindness: A Lost Art

Kindness in a world full of confusion and chaos can be a hard commodity to come by. Our kindness can be misinterpreted as weakness as well as a host of other things. Yet in Romans 2:4 we see that it’s the kindness of the Lord that leads one to repentance. We as His children have an opportunity as never before to exude that kindness. The more impatient and harsh those who have no hope become, the brighter our light should shine! What a glorious time we live in!

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I Trust You

I Trust You. No other words encapsulate vulnerability. No other words exemplify surrender. And I believe that there are no other words more endearing to our heavenly Father than the three simple words “I Trust You”. Trust removes us from the drivers’ seat and places the true driver in control of our lives. After all, He’s a much better driver than we are. Praise is wonderful. Giving is a blessing to both the giver and to the receiver. Intersession has it’s place but nothing is more precious than trust.

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Focus Your Attention

Focus your attention on the things of God and you’ll deal with problems with the greatest of ease. Why and how can this be? Because your problem will become a blur. It’ll be reduced to background noise in your life. The bible has a lot to say about the mind and what we focus our attention on. Colossians 3:2 tells us to set our minds on things above, not on earthly things. When we set our minds on something, everything else becomes a blur and what we focus on becomes larger than life. When we set our minds on the Word of God the walk of faith becomes a cake walk.

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Giving Up Our Rights

Giving up our rights, in most instances would be considered a bad thing. In fact, just uttering those words can conjure up anxiety within us. However, giving up our right to understand how God is moving in our lives is the first step toward strong faith. Protesting against God’s Word simply because we don’t understand what He’s doing is akin to us feeling the need to give Him approval in what He wants to do in our lives in order to proceed. Let’s give up our right to understand, and simply believe.

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Never Fear – God is on the Throne

Never fear…..this simple statement seems like an impossibility to some. We’re living in challenging times. In some instances it seems like the spirit of common sense and decency left to room long ago. But never fear….God is still on the Throne. If we read the back of the book we know that no matter how bad things may look, the Kingdom of God will rule and reign in the end. Let God’s Word be the last Word in your life, in this country and in the world.

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Joy Fills My Heart Continually

Joy fills my heart. If you’re a born again child of God it fills yours continually too. All the fruit of the Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23 reside within us to empower us. It’s our responsibility to mine the precious gifts that God has given us to not only affect our own lives and situations but also to affect the lives and situations of those around us.  Greater is He that resides within you than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4). And He comes with gifts.

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Pursue Peace

Pursue peace and hold onto it with everything you have. Peace can be illusive. Whenever you secure peace in one area of your life, something else in another area will break out and you’ll find yourself chasing down peace in another area. Living a life of total peace means that we will need to keep our track shoes at the ready at all times. The pursuit of peace in our lives will keep us on the move constantly. However, the rewards of a peaceful life are worth the workout.

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Our Safe Haven Is The Lord

Our safe haven in a world of turmoil is our Father, God. That goes without saying, but so few see Him as the safe haven when in the midst of a storm in life. Study the Gospels and you’ll find that Jesus was never stressed out. He was never in a hurry. He commanded the circumstances of life around Him. In Luke 10:19, right before He left He said, “My peace I give unto you“. We as His children have the ability to navigate the storms of life the same as Jesus did. The key is our continued reliance on and confidence in the Word of God in the midst of every challenge of life.

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Rest is a Gift From God

Rest is a gift. Rest is peace. It’s hope. Rest is divorcing oneself from stress. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest“. God our Father is willing to make an exchange with us. He’s willing to take that which causes us to labor and that which is heavy and give to us His rest. Who wouldn’t be interested in taking Him up on this offer. And perched right in the middle of the rest He’s giving us is the faith which moves the hand of God, for there can be no rest without faith in the giver of said rest.

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