Believing With The Heart Is Faith In Action

Believing with the heart carries with it conviction without a single hint of doubt. Believing with the heart is faith in action.

Question: Is there anything I could do or say to persuade you that the name you’ve had all your life wasn’t actually your name? What if I told you that there’s been a conspiracy plotted against you to get you to believe that the name you’ve gone by all these years was given to you as part of a cruel game being played on you.
[pullquote]Nothing and no one can shake your confidence when you believe something with your heart. I’ll even go one step further. Believing with the heart is KNOWING.[/pullquote]
Suppose I told you that I could produce court documents to prove that your name really wasn’t your name? How hard would I have to work to get you to believe me? 

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Well, after you pick yourself up off the floor from laughing hysterically at me, you would probably dismiss me and call the people from the funny farm to come and pick me up.

But why would you disregard what I had to say so strongly? Because you believe with your heart that your name is what it is.

Believing in Your Heart Seals The Deal

When you believe something with your heart, it’s settled…it’s a done deal. Nothing and no one can shake your confidence when you believe something with your heart. I’ll even go one step further. Believing with the heart is KNOWING.

You don’t believe your name is John, Paul, Sue or whatever it is…you know it. A birth certificate exists that proves it. So the issue of your name being something other than what’s on that birth certificate is a non-issue.

And the great news is that we can be just as strong in our belief of what God tells us in His Word as we are about what our name is. Believing with the heart is knowing and this kind of assurance only comes by meditation in God’s Word.

Believing With The Heart Is Knowing

When circumstances rise up to get you to doubt what the Word of God says, take a stance against them, go get your New Birth Certificate and rest in the assurance that you are, you have and you can do everything the Father God say’s that you are, you have and you can do!

Scripture reference: Psalm 1:1-3

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields it’s fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. For more inspiring faith filled messages click HERE