Seeds of Faith: What’s Being Planted in the Ground of Your Heart?

Seeds are representative of an end product. Seeds are where life originates. A seed planted in good soil is where we begin the germination process toward producing an end result.

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Sowing Seeds and Reaping a Harvest

[pullquote]As the earth remains there will be seed, time, and harvest. The principle of seed, time, and harvest will always yield fruit. We are all spiritual farmers. We will reap the fruit of whatever seeds we plant in life.[/pullquote]

I remember as a boy, planting seeds in our backyard garden with my dad. My dad was fascinated with growing his own vegetables. We grew string beans, turnips, tomatoes, cabbage, and squash among other things. Out of all the planting he did, he seemed to be proudest of his tomatoes. As we prepared the soil for planting, I remember him forming rows. Each row in his garden was designated for a different vegetable.

As we planted, he made sure to save the empty seed packets. When these seed packets were empty, he placed each empty seed packet on the end of a stick and put the stick in the ground at the end of each row. Even though all we were able to see in the beginning was a nicely cultivated patch of rich brown soil, the seed packets stuck in the ground at the end of the rows let us know what vegetable would be coming up in each row.

Being a typical kid, the whole process seemed to take way too long for me. I wanted to see progress immediately. I eagerly checked our backyard garden each day after school to see if I could see the results of our labor. Then one day I saw a small blade of green beginning to come up out of the ground. But even though I started to see the results of our toil, it still would be many days before we were able to feast on the fruit of our labors.

Spiritual Farming

As an adult, I can see the similarities between the farming process (cultivating the soil, planting the seed, identifying what has been planted, nurturing the seeds, and harvesting the crops) and the process of prayer. Preparing the soil can be equated to preparing the heart to receive God’s Word. This is the same process we used when the doctors told my wife and I that we would never have children. We prepared the soil of our hearts by taking the time to find the scripture and principle that covered the situation we were in. We found Deuteronomy 28:11 (the Lord shall make you plenteous in goods, in the fruit of your body…..) and it became our seed.

We firmly planted the seed of God’s Word in our hearts by praying and thanking God in advance for victory over our circumstances. During the growing process, when doubt unbelief, and circumstances arose to cause us to dig up our seed and quit, we continually watered the seed in the ground of our hearts by meditating on Deuteronomy 28:11 and only allowing words from our mouths that affirmed the crop we intended to harvest.

The Seed Of God’s Word Planted in Good Soil Will Always Produce

seedsJust as growth was taking place below ground in my dad’s garden even though we couldn’t see anything above ground, we kept Deuteronomy 28:11 before our eyes knowing that the seed planted in our hearts was growing below ground. Deuteronomy 28:11 became our empty seed packet at the end of our row. It served to remind us what kind of harvest we could expect to receive if we remained faithful to the process and not give up. Then after many days, (in our case, 5 years) God’s Word produced after its kind and we were the recipients of a harvest that doctors told us was impossible.

This walking, talking, breathing testimony of ours is 32 years old now, with 2 children of his own. The Word of God literally became flesh in our household and we’re still beholding His glory.

As the earth remains there will be seed, time, and harvest. The principle of seed, time, and harvest will always yield fruit. We are all spiritual farmers. We will reap the fruit of whatever seeds we plant in life.

It’s up to us what kinds of seeds and what kinds of harvests in life we produce. So I ask you, what’s being planted in the ground of your heart?

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